Yaoi Movie

Sunday, December 30, 2012

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Walmart and Target Sell Anime Porn

Walmart and Target Sell Anime Porn

The Consumerist may not be porn, but Walmart is now in the business of selling it, in comic book form.



From Walmart.com:

“In Volume 3 of the ultra popular, kinky, sex-full Yaoi Hentai, you’ll see tentacle monster Trach nailing an unsuspecting bus rider, a poor bishonen with his wiener caught in a fence hole and the perv friend who helps, a yaoi take on the “Aristocrats” joke, hot loving with a Sultan’s slave and more! Explicit yaoi content. For readers 18+ only!”

We checked over at Target.com and they sell it as well, but are served by Amazon.com and the title can not be returned to Target stores. Walmart seems to have an open 90-day policy for website returns instore.


Yes, we’re surprised as well. Not that we’re prudes or anything. It’s just, you know, Walmart. Are congratulations in order? Golden tentacles? Target, meh, we knew they’re sluts anyway. —MEGHANN MARCO and BEN POPKEN

More screencaps, inside…

From Walmart.com:

This is yaoi at its most extreme: graphic scenes of loving between a college professor and his student, a bar-hopper & some thugs who kidnap him, members of a corrupt soccer team and a tentacle monster who’s hot for a pair of twin bishounen . Nothing is left to the imagination! Mature and explicit content.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



Eliminate Your Overdraft with the IDT Prime Card

With the start of the academic year drawing ever closer, IDT have brought students a great way to budget their money more effectively. Whether you’re a fresher that is unsure of how to manage your money or a second, third of fourth year student that knows how bad you are at spacing out your student loan and earnings – this new card could be a great help…

Better safe than sorry

University should be memorable for good reasons. Isabel Hardman looks at how Freshers can keep themselves safe.

Katie had left for safe than dress ball at her University looking forward to a memorable night out. The memories are still with her. They have left her with panic attacks, nightmares and a reluctance to drink in public.

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Moving to a new place, especially a large, intimidating city, can be a daunting experience. In time, you will come to consider it as your home from home, but in the beginning, you are likely to feel a little disorientated.



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Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Последние обновления в блогах:


Сделала видео по первым главам книги "На пути к свету" (Любовь во мраке 5).

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[24.04.2015 09:47] Charisma . сводка


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Но грозный час борьбы настал, Коварный враг на нас напал. И каждому, кто Руси сын, На бой с врагом лишь путь один. Марш «Прощание славянки» Музыка В.И. Агапкина (1912 г.), автор слов – неизвестен (1914 г.) Жители пос.

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[24.04.2015 08:47] neangel . Свободные аватары и комплекты

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[24.04.2015 07:56] -Алиса- . Глава 51

Глава 51 Покидая роскошные апартаменты графа Бахметьева на Литейном, Залесский прекрасно отдавал себе отчёт, что его попытались обвести вокруг пальца. Несомненно, Одинцова лгала, выгораживая своего любовника, впрочем, сей факт его нисколько не.

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Добро пожаловать в мой блог!Сюда я буду выкладывать все свои новые работы, если Вам что-то понравится, то можете побросить данную работу. 1) - занята 2) 3) 4) - занята 5) - занята.

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Книга обязательно будет, уже пишется.

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Мои скромные потуги в фотошопе. Делалось под настроение :)).

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[23.04.2015 17:58] Анджи . Проказница-Смерть

Расставание навечно.

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Новые аватарки и комплекты.

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Аватарки и подписи

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Ты говорила, Что не забудешь Ласковых, радостных встреч. "Синий платочек" Музыка Ежи Петербургский, слова Яков Галицкий Мы с бабушкой, как и большинство жителей, старались быть занятыми делами в поселке, помогать людям, поддерживать и.

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Friday, December 14, 2012



Во вторник сенат США проголосовал за прекращение производства дорогостоящих истребителей-"невидимок" пятого поколения F-22 Raptor, на которые в военном бюджете на 2010 году планировалось выделить 1,78 миллиарда долларов. Американский лидер Барак Обама поддержал это решение и призвал экономить каждый доллар.

"В то время, когда мы ведем две войны и сталкиваемся с серьезным бюджетным дефицитом, непростительно выбрасывать деньги на ветер. Каждый бездумно потраченный в военном бюджете доллар - это доллар, который не потрачен на защиту наших граждан, солдат или подготовку к будущим угрозам. Бюджет не безграничен, и если деньги ушли бы на производство F-22, они бы не достались солдатам и простым людям", - цитирует РИА Новости заявление Обамы.

Напомним, что разработка программы Raptor началась около двадцати лет назад. В настоящее время каждый истребитель F-22 обходится бюджету США в 140 миллионов долларов. При этом многие эксперты называют эту военную технику устаревшей и рассчитанной на период "холодной войны".

Решение о перераспределении расходов Пентагона является частью программы Барака Обамы, которая фактически меняет военную доктрину страны. Вместо подготовки к крупномасштабной войне против традиционных врагов, Соединенные Штаты намерены использовать Вооруженные силы только в локальных и контртеррористических операциях. Президент США подчеркнул, что выступает категорически против многомиллионных затрат на ненужные оборонные программы: "Для того, чтобы сохранить безопасность Америки, нам не нужны траты на устаревшие вооружения".

Отметим, что Пентагон также намерен полностью закрыть программу по созданию нового вертолета VH-71, которым планировалось оснастить хозяина Белого дома. Стоимость данного проекта составляла примерно 11 миллиардов долларов. Барак Обама решил отказаться от винтокрылой машины из-за ее дороговизны и попросил министра обороны Роберта Гейтса пересмотреть статьи расходов.

Высвободившиеся средства планируется потратить на финансирование проводимых операций в Ираке и Афганистане, а также выделить дополнительные деньги на содержание спецподразделений, готовых оперативно отреагировать на обострение ситуации в разных уголках мира.

Monday, December 10, 2012



Zend: ты понял Furi Kuri?

Appolon: да

Zend: о, как так?

Appolon: просто я смотрел этот шедевр обдолбаным вжопу и бухим к тому же, поэтому как никто другой понял


1: а чё, ты тогда от меня вирусняк принес?


2: нет=) кроме аниме ничего))

1: новый вид вируса - аниме. жрет место на диске XD

1: вывести невозможно XD



Начиная с 168 эпизода сюжет переключится с арка Хуэко Мундо на новый филлерный арк, чтобы дать возможность Кубо

Тайто опубликовать больше материала. Сюжетная линия перенесёт внимание на нового капитана *****, который займёт место

***** во главе *****.

Аниме-студия: Окей. Ща мы запустим какой-нибудь левый сюжетик серий этак на 20, пока ты не придумаешь!

Мангак: Ок.


Sky-Fox: Блин, по-моему последний мувик на наруто другие люди делали.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

From Sailor Moon to Yaoi Fangirls Gender and Sexuality at Otakon 2012

From Sailor Moon to Yaoi Fangirls: Gender and Sexuality at Otakon 2012

As a kid, I obsessed over the likes of Sailor Moon . Pokemon and Digimon like everyone else my age. As a college student, revisiting my former Sailor Moon nostalgia and exploring some yuri  (lesbian-themed) series helped me in coming to terms with my bisexuality and the idea of having a relationship with another girl.  Despite all this, I’ve never considered myself a big fan, or “otaku” (the Japanese term for huge fans of anime, manga and video games, which Western lovers of the medium have more than embraced). No matter how many hours I spend training and trading Pokemon on my Game Boy, no matter how many TV Tropes edits I’ve made on Puella Magi Madoka Magica or Fullmetal Alchemist . I’ve always been put off by some parts of the otaku (and larger, geek/nerd) subculture, particularly some of the parts that are less women and LGBT-friendly. But with my first convention visit last month, to Baltimore’s Otakon, I think my opinion of that is starting to change.

Me (second from left) with friends at the con after the brony meetup on Saturday.

Otakon is the U.S.’s second largest anime convention (after LA’s AnimeExpo) and the largest on the East Coast. and I figured that my four years living in Baltimore were not complete without at least one visit. As it turned out, Otakon is a pretty good choice for a first convention: there is never a dull moment with panels on just about everything Japan-related you could imagine, from popular to lesser-known series’, from fan parodies to Japanese cooking to video game music to cosplay tips. And despite the actual convention’s fairly strictly East Asian focus, there were also fan-organized meet-ups for various kinds of non-anime geeks, like bronies , Nerdfighters  and  Homestuck fans. But for the sake of this article, I’ll mostly be summarizing my two favorite panels: “Sexism in Anime and Fandom” and “Navigating LGBT/Queer Identities and Issues within Japanese Media and Cultural Appreciation,”  which spoke to me the most as a feminist, queer anime fan.

Disclaimer: Personally, I’m by no means an expert myself in gender or sexuality in Japanese culture or anime, or its differences from American culture in those respects; I’m just reporting on what I learned and the notes I took from the panels, as well as my own observations as a white American anime fan.


Group Pokemon cosplay!

Sexism in Anime and Fandom

This Saturday afternoon panel was run by Lauren Rae Orsini, of The Daily Dot and Otaku Journalist . and Patrick Taylor, of Anime-Planet . It could be roughly divided into two sections: the first dealt with sexism in anime, manga and video games themselves, and the second dealt with it in the larger geek culture, including convention culture and cosplay. The slides are available via Patrick’s tumblr!

One of the major issues that was discussed with regard to anime itself was the issue of fanservice. a term that originated in the anime fandom for depictions of characters (usually women) in sexy outfits or poses purely for the sake of drawing in titillated viewers. Obviously, this trope is far from exclusive to anime, but the medium is particularly notable for it, due to the often over-the-top, unrealistic heights (link NSFW) it can take. Of course, anime also has a higher-than-usual amount of male fanservice; whole genres, such as yaoi (anime/manga featuring gay male relationships that are usually aimed at women), are built on it. But as the panel pointed out is that, while male “fanservice” characters are allowed to have well-developed personalities, but female “fanservice” characters are needed to be “accessible” in their personalities. Men can be eye candy but also be actualized as characters; women are eye candy first and foremost.

There was also a lot of discussion on the portrayal of “geek girls” in anime. One thing they noted is how geek girls in anime/manga “are the closest to relatable for female fans, but aren’t there for them.” Nearly all of them enjoy showing off their bodies, which isn’t a bad thing, but when sexualization is the only depiction, it’s sending the message to male otaku that girls watch anime and go to conventions for them. This was related to the way that girls are often forced to prove that their geeky interests are legitimate ( especially if they are sexually-attractive) and that they’re not just “followers” in a way that male geeks often don’t have to. This is hardly exclusive to geek culture, but there does seem to be this particularly strong fear by some male geeks of non-geek girls “infiltrating” their spaces and “tricking” them, or something. Particularly “sexy” girls: hence the controversy, mentioned at the panel, over the former Miss USA identifying herself as a geek because of her love of history and Star Wars . as though the fact that she was in a beauty pageant means she can’t possibly be allowed to use the label.

Humanized cosplay of Photo Finish from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from the Saturday brony meetup

Another way in which sexism manifests itself in geek culture that was presented was through cosplay at conventions. In a survey the panelists took of 97 anime-convention-goers, 63% of female-identified cosplayers reported being harassed in some form while in cosplay, while only 43% of male-identified cosplayers did. And “nearly all respondents said they didn’t report the harassment for fear of not being taken seriously by staff.” The harassment that women faced was usually based on appearance – either being ogled if they were perceived as sexy, or told that they “should wear something else” if they were seen as not sexy enough for the character they were portraying. One girl remarked that she was surprised how much of the policing of “not sexy enough for that character” comes from other women. Others discussed how some “you shouldn’t play that character” comments also come from racism. despite the fact that black and Hispanic anime fans often have a limited number of characters of their races who they can cosplay. One person brought up the way that fans often put down Muslim women who incorporate their hijab into their costumes. Despite all this, though, most fans in the survey presented described conventions as “safe and welcoming” and thought that the anime fan community was a self-aware one in regard to the various issues with it.

Though it’s covered more in the next panel I’ll be discussing, there were also some points made about gender-ambiguous characters. While they noted that gender is often treated “as a performance” more often in anime than other forms of media, the transphobic notion that “gender-bending” characters are “traps” is still unfortunately common, both in the media itself and in the fandom’s reactions to such characters.

One girl presented that she thought that anime/manga was often sexist in terms of what it saw as “boys’ series” (“shonen”) vs. “girls’ series” (“shoujo”). While stuff that falls under the “shonen” genre encompasses a wide variety of genres and themes, from action-and-adventure to sports to fantasy to historical (take this image from the popular Shonen Jump magazine as an example), the stuff that is categorized under “shoujo” tends to mostly fall under slice-of-life/romance, or magical girls like Sailor Moon . While I thought this was a bit simplistic, the lack of variety in shoujo compared to shonen was something I found off-putting about manga after my initial interest in it as a teen. It felt kind of insulting that as a woman, it would be assumed that I would only be interested in either romance and everyday school situations, or girly fantastical superheroes, while the boys got so much more variety aimed at them. But the panelists suggested that a lot of this had to do with the kinds of shoujo that got picked up for publishing/airing in the U.S. and that as fans we could demand more variety by looking for stuff “on the margins” that reflects our interests better and making it known to the big anime/manga distribution companies.

What was really great about the panel, to me, is that Lauren and Patrick didn’t just leave us with identifying problems, but also solutions. Particularly, they gave the panel-goers tips for what to do when witnessing harassment, whether at conventions, in online gaming or anywhere else, which is that: silence often looks like agreement, and you can’t assume that someone being a jerk knows that he’s being a jerk. We need to shame sexist behavior and make it clear when we are offended, even if we think the other person might be “joking.”

Cosplay of Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Newest Deviations

Newest Deviations


Drowning Memories - Shyarba the Outcast WIP by yaoi-girl

Lazy Halloween 2012 by yaoi-girl

Crushed - ch. 4 Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-man. I'm just using the characters for my entertainment.

Pairings: Lavi/Leenalee, one-sided Allen/Lavi (for now).


So I'm more or less out of my 'slump'. I still miss being with someone a lot, not really him though. The bad part is that I still have a few things at his house. The main things being my dog, Duke, and my 38 gallon fish tank with I hope 3 fish still alive, like when I got kicked out. A friend from work, Matt, is going to help me this week to get the rest of my things! I love him sometimes (at work it's hit and miss).

-Me as Nagisa (swimsuit w/Iwatobi jacket or yellow hoodie and class version)

-with flashcards and speaking Simlish!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Данная статья представляет собой главу из магистерской работы по культурологии – «Образы подростков в манге» (защищена 11 06 2010 Москва РГГУ) Она посвящена анализу литературных формул исконных образов и сюжетных ходов на примере манги «Наруто» «Блич» «Таинственная игра» «Крестовый поход Хроно» и др Отредактированная версия главы впервые появилась на сайте Центра комиксов РГБМ в разделе «Специалистам » С полной версией магистерской можно ознакомиться здесь

Данная статья представляет собой главу из магистерской работы по культурологии – «Образы подростков в манге» (защищена 11.06.2010 Москва, РГГУ). Она посвящена анализу литературных формул, исконных образов и сюжетных ходов на примере манги «Наруто», «Блич», «Таинственная игра», «Крестовый поход Хроно» и др. Отредактированная версия главы впервые появилась на сайте Центра комиксов РГБМ в разделе «Специалистам ». С полной версией магистерской можно ознакомиться здесь .


Занимая промежуточное положение между словесностью и изобразительным искусством, комикс вобрал в себя многие черты массовой литературы. Если в массовой литературе повествование разворачивается за счет вербальных [1] средств, тяготеющих к стандартизированным и упрощенным приемам (использование одинаковых типажей героев или речевых конструкций), то в комиксе история схожим образом раскрывается за счет средств визуальных (обращение к определённому набору стандартных изобразительных приёмов – графико-символическому языку комикса/манги, начертание используемых шрифтов, форма бабблов [2] и пр.). Таким образом, повествование в обоих типах произведений строится в соответствии с жанровыми клише и сюжетными формулами.

Определенное сходство обнаруживается во внешних характеристиках «бульварных романов» и манги: те и другие издаются в книжках карманного формата (покетбук) с мягкой обложкой, средний объем текста в которых составляет около двухсот страниц. Следует заметить, однако, что вид покетбука, в отличие от литературных опусов, манга принимает не сразу.

Первая публикация манги в Японии обычно осуществляется в специализированных комикс-журналах («Shonen Sunday», «Nakayoshi» и пр.) [3]. выходящих еженедельно, дважды в неделю или раз в месяц. Журналы ориентируются на различные возрастные, социальные и профессиональные группы и разделяются по половой принадлежности аудитории. В выпуске, как правило, печатается 10-15 манга-сериалов (каждый по одной главе объёмом в 30 страниц); нередко из-за толщины издания и низкого качества бумаги такие журналы в шутку называют «телефонные справочники» («phone books»). Та манга, которая приобрела наибольшую популярность, впоследствии выпускается в виде отдельных томов — «танкобон».

В России манга выпускается исключительно в формате танкобон и периодичность её выхода носит скорее хаотичный характер. Это связано с предельным разделением сегментов книжной и журнальной продукции на российском рынке и неустойчивым финансовым положением издательств. Возникают трудности и с лицензированием манги, поскольку японские компании предпочитают сотрудничать с крупными издательствами, имеющими свою историю, а в России выпуском манги занимаются совсем молодые издательства, никак не зарекомендовавшие себя на рынке [4]. В настоящее время индустрия японских комиксов в России только начинает формироваться, поэтому отсутствует налаженный механизм действия.

Как и массовая литература, манга подчиняется «механизму повторения, поддерживающего и умножающего успех, — это может быть повторение “в пространстве” (кино-и телеэкранизация нашумевшей книги, превращение имен её героев и автора в модные значки, а их изображений — в сувениры) и “во времени” (серийность, постоянные ремейки [5] и продолжения сюжетов, становящихся своего рода “классическим наследием” массовой культуры…)» [6]. Например, манга «Блич» («Bleach») [7] продолжает успешное существование в виде анимэ-сериала (свыше двухсот серий), нескольких полнометражных фильмов, рок-мюзикла и многочисленной сувенирной продукции: сумки, значки, кружки, статуэтки, мягкие игрушки, кошельки, часы, брелки и др.

Такого рода повествования строятся на принципах мимесиса [8]. отсылая к предметам и образам повседневной реальности, где в знакомой обстановке персонажи совершают привычные действия и решают насущные проблемы. Повествования массовой культуры несут явную жизнеутверждающую окраску, в которой добро всегда восторжествует, а зло будет наказано. Герои лишены внутреннего конфликта и рефлексии, главной их задачей становится устранение внешних проблем. Несмотря на значительное сходство с массовой литературой, манга обладает оригинальными чертами.

Японские комиксы отличаются обширностью разрабатываемых тем и сюжетов: «приключения, животные, спорт, бизнес, полиция, демоны и ангелы, привидения, детективы, фэнтези; история, комиксы ужасов; юмор; боевые искусства, медицина, музыка, повседневная жизнь, любовь, секс; научная фантастика; война, киберпанк» [9]. Особо выделяются специфически японские жанры – сэнтай (истории, где с различными трудностями справляется постоянная команда героев), добуцу (истории о животных), спокон (истории спортивной тематики), меха (жанр научной фантастики, посвященный гигантским механизмам, управляемым человеком изнутри) и т.д. При этом вышеперечисленные жанры нередко сосуществуют в комбинации. Например, жанровая специфика манги «Наруто» («Naruto») [10] определяется как боевые искусства, приключения, комедия (юмор).

Характерной чертой повествовательной структуры манги выступает трансформация героев. На протяжении множества серий герои не остаются неизменными, а взрослеют и даже стареют. Если персонаж уже в среднем возрасте или преклонных годах, то в истории могут присутствовать сцены, отсылающие читателя к периоду его детства и юности. Соответственно могут меняться и взаимоотношения героев: бывший противник (антагонист) становится союзником, а близкий друг переходит на сторону тёмных сил.

Мангу можно рассматривать как тип формульного повествования. Это определение принадлежит американскому культурологу Джону Кавелти, который в своей книге «Приключения, тайна и любовная история: формульные истории как искусство и популярная культура» предложил применять к анализу литературных произведений метод, основанный на синтезе изучения мифологических архетипов [11] и правил написания масс-литературных текстов [12]. Умберто Эко отмечал, что царящие на страницах американских комиксов образы взрослых мускулистых супергероев отсылают к мифологическому архетипу Геракла [13]. Герои же сёнэн-манги [14] в большинстве своем лишены такого явного проявления мускульной силы и физической мощи. Их стройные, молодые, ненакачанные тела призваны показать преобладание силы духа над плотью, что отсылает читателя к архетипу библейского Давида, побеждающего Голиафа: «Японские зрители очарованы идеей превосходства духа над физической силой, и мастерства превосходящего мускулы. <…> Маленькие Давиды постоянно встречают огромных Голиафов в комиксах для мальчиков, возможно потому, что многие японцы хотели бы видеть себя в качестве сильных духом Давидов в мире грубых гигантов» [15] .

Архетипическим источником рассказов в сёдзё-манге [16] выступает сказка о Золушке, в которой независимые и успешные в карьере девушки продолжают ждать своих принцев: «Что касается репрезентации женщин, то фильм “Красотка” стал настоящим хитом в Японии, с его историей о Золушке, которая была близка аналогичным историям в “дамских комиксах” и телевизионных драмах» [17] .

Истории в жанре сёнэн чаще всего посвящены становлению характера в обстоятельствах авантюры (что соответствует формуле «приключения»). В приключенческой манге главный герой вместе с друзьями выполняет определённую миссию, путешествуя и преодолевая различные препятствия. В результате он успешно справляется со всеми возникающими на его пути опасностями и достигает намеченной цели. Такие повествования выступают своего рода описанием инициации, проходя которую мальчик в трудных ситуациях должен проявить всё своё мужество, смекалку и силу воли для того, чтобы стать настоящим мужчиной.

Жанр сёдзё апеллирует к другому типу приключенческого повествования – любовной истории. Здесь преодоление препятствий выражается в виде устранения различных преград между любящими друг друга персонажами, счастливому объединению которых постоянно мешают недоброжелатели или соперники; нередко влюблённых разделяют границы двух миров (в таких историях главная героиня нередко переносится в параллельный мир – в Древний Китай, в средневековые европейские страны, в королевство котов и т.п. – где ей суждено урегулировать конфликт, восстановить порядок и, возможно, встретить наконец свою любовь).

Характерно, что в обоих типах историй чётко прослеживается гендерное разделение ролей. Если в манге для мальчиков главным остается достижение намеченной цели и приобретение навыков в какой-либо сфере – единоборствах, спорте, искусстве (т.е. совершенствование себя в профессиональном плане), то для девочек на первое место выходят взаимоотношения с противоположным полом и обретение «женского счастья». На акцентировании темы любви и секса выстроены те истории для женской аудитории, что создаются в жанрах сёнэн-ай [18] и яой [19] .

Если давать обобщённую характеристику типам историй в сёнэн и сёдзё манге, то в них обычно повествуется о подростках, которые являются учениками школы или сотрудниками какой-либо организации. На первый взгляд, они ничем не отличаются от своих сверстников, соответствуя типажу «обыкновенный японский школьник» и «обыкновенная японская школьница» [20]. В результате определенных обстоятельств они открывают в себе особые способности (зачастую при этом – если действие происходит в мире, отсылающем к реальности наших дней – герои к тому же получают возможность переноситься в параллельные миры). В дальнейшем подростки постоянно сталкиваются со всевозможными проблемами или выполняют различные задания, которые требуют от них принятия правильных решений и немедленного выбора действий.

В сёдзё-манге «Таинственная игра» (Fushigi Yugi) [21] мы встречаем похожий сюжет, только с иной расстановкой акцентов – здесь уже более активно проступает любовная линия. Препятствия преодолеваются не с целью оттачивания боевых навыков и не из-за стремления стать мужественным и сильным, а ради обретения любви и сохранения дружеских отношений.

При сравнении элементов нарратива [22] различных произведений можно обнаружить схожие повествовательные конструкции. Так, например, для главных персонажей сёнэн-манги, таких как Ичиго Куросаки («Блич»), Наруто Удзумаки («Наруто») и Хроно («Крестовый поход Хроно») [23]. каждый из этих подростков обладает недюжинными способностями именно благодаря заключенному в его теле могуществу злого духа. Так, в тело новорожденного Наруто был запечатан дух Девятихвостого лиса-оборотня, а Ичиго приобретает часть демонической силы Пустого [24]. когда овладевает новой техникой использования меча. В этих двух случаях подростки не подозревают о демонических способностях, которые проявляются у них лишь в ситуациях особого напряжения и яростной атаки. Хроно же сам является демоном, но сдерживает свою силу, пребывая в облике 12-летного подростка после заключения особого договора с девочкой Розеттой.

Такое преображение героев отсылает к понятию «альтер-эго» [25] ; интересно, что в приведённых примерах «тёмная сторона личности» привносится извне, и подростки должны побороть в себе злое начало, черпая силы из своего юного возраста и чистоты. Герои должны не поддаться власти безграничной мощи, которая уже заключена в них, и усмирить неконтролируемую силу.

Эти сюжеты предоставляют подросткам определенные модели поведения в соответствии с нормами японской этики и гендерным разделением ролей. В них демонстрируется, как надо относиться к старшим, как понимать выражение «быть сильным», как следует заботиться о своих близких и т.д. Отображаемые действия и эмоции, представленные в доступной символической форме и основанные на механизмах массовой культуры, понятны подросткам разных стран.

Повторяемость повествовательных конструкций и типов историй подростковой манги указывает на их сходство, что влечет за собой непрерывную трансляцию устойчивых элементов текста. В свою очередь, постоянно воспроизводимые повествовательные структуры легко считываются на эмоциональном и подсознательном уровне и влияют на ценностные ориентации подростков, в чем проявляется важная социализирующая черта манги и анимэ.

автор: Юки Магуро

редактор: Олеся Ольгерд

[1] Вербaльный (лат. verbalis, «словесный») — термин, применяемый для обозначения процессов оперирования знаками, словами.

[2] Баббл (от англ. «bubble», пузырь) — способ изображения в комиксах речи персонажей — в виде облачков или пузырей, вылетающих изо рта.

[3] « Shonen Sunday », « Shonen Magazine », « Shonen Jump » — журналы манги для мальчиков; «Nakayoshi», «Ribon» — журналы манги для девочек. Первые журналы, печатающие мангу, появились в начале ХХ века. Сейчас  такие журналы публикует почти каждое крупное японское издательство. Тиражи составляют от 1 до 5 млн. экземпляров, а общая доля от всей печатной продукции Японии – 40 %.

[4] Е.Кольчугин (представитель издательства «Истари комикс»): «Для японских издательств важны компании с историей, с &#171;history&#187;. Мы столкнулись с этой проблемой — потому что мы молодая компания, никакой &#171;истории&#187; у нас нет. И нам пришлось доказывать, что мы что-то представляем; те, кто следил за нами с 2008 года, видели, что мы сначала издали китайских авторов, корейских и наконец-то получили японских. <…> То есть, чтобы получить у японцев что-то, надо (как они говорят) «иметь историю» — для них это очень важно, это их менталитет, их компании существуют по 100-200 лет». Цит. по: Судьба манги в России. Манга как часть визуальной культуры // Круглый стол в рамках фестиваля «КомМиссия», май 2010: http://chedrik.ru/up2/content/view/211/40/

[5] Ремeйк (англ. remake — букв. «переделка») — в современных кинематографе и музыке — более новая версия или интерпретация ранее изданного произведения (фильма, песни, любой музыкальной композиции или драматургической работы). В русском языке термин часто используется в связи с музыкальными произведениями, тогда как в английском — практически исключительно по отношению к фильмам, мюзиклам, спектаклям.

[6] Гудков Л. Дубин Б. Страда В. Литература и общество: введение в социологию литературы. М. 1998. — Гл.5. Массовая литература как социальный феномен: http://www.iek.edu.ru/publish/pusl5.htm

[7] « Bleach » — манга Тайто Кубо, публикующаяся в журнале «Сёнэн Джамп» с 2002 г. В ней рассказывается о современном школьнике пятнадцати лет, Ичиго Куросаки, который обладает способностью видеть души умерших. Когда на его семью напал злой дух, мальчик перенял часть силы синигами (проводника душ) и победил чудовище. Затем у его близких друзей тоже начинают проявляться сверхъестественные способности, и Ичиго вместе с ними становится истребителем нечисти, защитником слабых и воином с непоколебимой силой духа.

[8] Мимесис (греч. mimesis — подражание) — термин, характеризующий сущность человеческого творчества, в основе которого лежит подражание искусства действительности.

[9] Полякова Кс.В. Становление семиотической системы американского комикса и японского манга. СПб. 2004, диссертация. — С. 18.

[10] « Наруто » — манга Масаси Кисимото, публикующаяся с 1999 г. по настоящий момент. Действие в манге сразу поставлено в рамки вымышленного пространства. Главный герой — двенадцатилетний Наруто Удзумаки, который живет в деревне Сокрытой-в-Листве и учится в школе ниндзя. Его мечта — стать самым великим ниндзя, хотя порой он ведет себя крайне нелепо и не всегда справляется с заданиями. Положение мальчика усложняется тем, что в его теле запечатана сила Девятихвостого лиса. Вместе с другими двумя учениками (Сакурой и Саскэ) он постигает искусство сражения, преодолевая препятствия и защищая своих друзей от опасностей.

[11] Архетип (греч. arche «начало» + typos «форма, отпечаток») — первоначальная модель, впервые сформированный исконный тип. В культурологии — образ, отпечаток, остаток, отражение опыта всего человечества, сохранившейся и хранящейся в коллективном бессознательном.

[12] Cawelti J.G. Adventure, mystery and romance: Formula stories as art and popular culture. Chicago, 1976. На русском языке публиковалась первая глава («Формулы, жанры и архетипы»); подробнее см. Кавелти Дж. Г. Изучение литературных формул / пер. с англ. Е.М.Лазаревой // Новое литературное обозрение, 1996, № 22 -С. 33 – 64.

[13] Эко У. Миф о супермене // Роль читателя: исследование по семиотике текста. СПб. 2007. — С. 179.

[14] Сёнэн-манга (яп.shounen, «юноша») – манга, предназначенная для юношей от 12 до 18 лет.

[15] “Japanese audiences are fascinated by the idea of spirit overcoming force, and skill overcoming brawn. <…> Little Davids are forever meeting brutish Goliaths in boys’ comics, perhaps because many Japanese like to see themselves as spiritual Davids in a world of boorish giants”. Цит. по: Buruma I. A Japanese mirror: Heroes and villains of Japanese culture. London, 1984. – P. 133.

[16] Сёдзё-манга (яп. shoujo, «девушка») – манга, предназначенная для девушек от 12 до 18 лет.

[17] “With regards to representations of women, Pretty Woman was a big hit in Japan, with its Cinderella story being similar to the stories found in ‘ladies’ comics’ and television drama”. Цит. по: Iwamura R. Letter from Japan: from girls who dress up like boys to trussed-up porn stars – some of the contemporary heroines on the Japanese screen: http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/7.2/Iwamura.html

[18] Сёнэн-ай (яп. shounen, «юноша» + ai, «любовь») — жанр сёдзё-манги, повествующий о любви между персонажами мужского пола. Зародился в начале 1970-х гг.

[19] Яой (сокр. от яп. «yama-nashi ochi-nashi imi-nashi»: ни кульминации, ни конца, ни смысла) — жанр сёдзё-манги, повествующий об откровенных сексуальных отношениях между персонажами мужского пола. Сформировался на основе сёнэн-ая в конце 1970-х -начале 80-х гг.

[20] Обыкновенный японский школьник/ школьница (сокр. ОЯШ) — типаж большинства манга и анимэ-сериалов. Его распространенность объясняется тем, что целевой аудиторией выступают подростки, которые легко идентифицируют себя с данным типажом героя.

[21] « Таинственная игра » — манга Юу Ватасэ, главной героиней которой является пятнадцатилетняя ученица средней школы Миака Юки; вместе со своей подружкой Юй Хонго она случайно забредает в закрытое книгохранилище. Девочки находят загадочную книгу «Вселенная четырех богов», которая обещает исполнить желания любого, кто дочитает её до конца. Едва начав читать книгу, девушки попадают в другой мир — Древний Китай. Поначалу их ждут неприятности, но после встречи с юношей Тамахоме и принцем Хотохори их пребывание в древнем царстве находится под защитой. В дальнейшем Миака становится жрицей, которая по легенде должна собрать семерых воинов Судзаку, чтобы обрести великую силу и исполнить свои желания.

[22] Нарратив (лат. narrare, «языковой акт») — повествование, рассказ, изложение фактов.

[23] « Крестовый поход Хроно » — действие манги разворачивается в Нью-Йорке 1920-х годов. Главный герой Хроно является членом Магдаленского ордена — организации, которая борется с нечистой силой. Вместе со своей напарницей, Розеттой, он истребляет демонов и помогает ей найти пропавшего брата Иешуа. Когда-то Хроно сам был демоном, но заключив договор с Розеттой, вынужден находиться в облике 12-летного подростка и не использовать демонические способности, запечатав часть своей силы в магических часах. В ситуации особой опасности Розетта снимает печать с часов, и к Хроно возвращаются его силы и прежний облик (но при этом сокращается время жизни его напарницы).

[24] « Пустой » — в манге «Блич» — злой дух, который после смерти человека овладевает его душой, если та долгое время скитается по земле и не может попасть на небеса (в Сообщество душ). Процесс превращения в «пустого» сопровождается разрушением Цепи судьбы (цепь, тянущаяся из сердца), на месте которой образуется дыра, и трансформацией души в уродливого монстра с белой маской на лице. Поскольку Ичиго сражается с «пустыми» только в своей духовной оболочке, на время покидая тело и оставляя его в реальном мире, то заражение «пустым» происходит не после смерти героя, а во время одной из его тренировок в параллельной реальности.

[25] Alter ego («альтер эго»; в переводе с  лат. «другое я») — реальная или придуманная альтернативная личность человека. Это может быть лирический герой, образ, закрепившийся за псевдонимом, наместник или даже одна из множества личностей, появившихся в результате психического расстройства. Проявление альтер-эго особенно характерно для американских комиксов, оно подразумевает стремление скрыть свою истинную сущность под маской обычного гражданина (к примеру, альтер-эго Кларка Кента — Супермен, а Брюса Вейна — Бэтмен). В вышеперечисленной манге значение альтер-эго приобретает несколько иной характер: здесь под маской обыкновенных подростков скрываются демон (Хроно), «пустой» (Ичиго) и лис-оборотень (Наруто).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Event Report Dream Party Tokyo Spring 2007

Event Report: Dream Party Tokyo Spring 2007

May 4th 2007 at 8:49 PM, by Shingo

If you build it they will come, someone once said, though I believe he was referring to a baseball field and not an eroge expo. People attended Dream Party Tokyo Spring 2007 yesterday regardless, and one of them was me. It was my first time at the event, so I didn&#8217;t know quite what to expect; I was both underwhelmed and pleasantly surprised, but to find out why I&#8217;m afraid you&#8217;ll have to continue reading. There are pictures of crusty policemen!

The obligatory &#8220;approach to the Big Sight&#8221; shot

What is Dream Party?

Dream Party is a bishoujo game convention held in both Tokyo and Osaka twice a year (in the spring and in the fall). Its Tokyo iteration takes place at the venerable Big Sight. and is the largest event of its kind solely devoted to the exhibition of bishoujo games and related goods. These &#8220;related goods&#8221; include an affiliated cosplay event, a series of live performances from anime and game seiyuu and idol singers, and industry booths from other bishoujo goods companies such as Cospa and Onsen .

The primary purpose of the event is to act as a big hype builder and fund raiser for bishoujo game companies, who bring all the goods (games themselves, telephone cards, drama CDs, towels, hug pillow cases, etc. etc.) they can carry and cram into their booths, parking hired cosplayers out in front to press flyers for their latest game releases into the hands of the (not so sweaty in yesterday&#8217;s beautiful weather) otaku crowding between them. In almost every way Dream Party is a clone of the Comic Market industry booth section, only with the addition of the stage for live performances and a more structured (costs 500 yen to photograph, must register your camera, there&#8217;s an actual contest for prizes) cosplay event.

Party of Dreams

Dateline: May 3rd, 2007, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan, 4:30 AM

I got up, worked on some as-yet unposted figure reviews, was out the door at 7:15 and on a slow train bound for Tokyo at 7:40. Disembarked at the Big Sight at 10:42 sharp, had some confusion as to which line to stand in as the venue was being shared by Comic City. but eventually found the right spot. I was in the hall by shortly after eleven, after paying my 1,000 yen for a really weeny 12 page &#8220;event pamphlet&#8221;.


I went there for a few primary reasons:

First, professional and hobbyist curiosity. Being in the business of adapting these games now I was curious what the event that is ostensibly their biggest commercial presence looks like; it turns out to look exactly like the Comiket industry booths, which was a bit of a disappointment. If anything the production values at Dream Party were slightly lower than Comiket, and several of the major players (TYPE-MOON, Nitro+) that usually attend Comiket weren&#8217;t there (the full list of exhibitors can be found here ). Lots of big lines nonetheless, especially for the Alchemist, Minori, and Age booths.

Second, to check out the new Goodsmile and Max Factory figure action ; the most valuable bits of blogable information came from there, and were thus the first to be posted. Yay Iroha!

Thirdly, in search of the legendary Rance -series Hanii plush. I do not collect stuffed toys, but this called to me like no other&#8230; review coming soon.

That said, I was mostly there to scope out the territory and get a feel for the event. After an hour or so of scoping I felt I&#8217;d had enough, but while taking a break near the stage and contemplating my next move I heard an announcement from over the wall separating the stage from the rest of the event hall: MOMOI HARUKO.

Myself and a few dozen other fans raced around the wall to the stage area just in time to see Wonder Momoi herself come onto the stage and unleash an enthusiastic greeting upon the fans. She was there to plug her participation in a 5pb. album, the recently released Fami-Son 8BIT / momo-i. from which she sang two songs: L wa Lovely from The Kabocha Wine. and Kimi wa Hoe-Hoe Musume from Idol Hakkenden. This surprise Momoi live was definitely the least expected and most satisfying part of the day for me.

It turned out that MOSAIC.WAV would be performing later on as well, but after scoping out the cosplay situation and not feeling like going to the trouble of registering my camera I decided to beat an early retreat. I made my way to Akiba, met up with Animaestro after his day at Queen&#8217;s Blade Masters. bought a laser printer for my own doujin construction purposes and hopped a train for home.

I did not go to Comic City yesterday, despite their large and impressive signage.

Final Impressions

On a scale of eroge otakuhood from one to ten, with a one being the guy in the Gundam SEED cosplay laughing snidely at Momoi fans from the back of the auditorium who I wanted to punch so very badly and a ten being the guys led in synchronized dancing by a gang of Puredols nearby, I discovered yesterday that I rank somewhere around a &#8220;four&#8221;. I engaged in only minor line-standing, didn&#8217;t buy much of anything, and wasn&#8217;t willing to be stranded in Tokyo for a night in return for catching Mosaic.wav live.


otaku and the lines they stand in (click for annotated guide)

Still, an interesting and generally rewarding event, and I&#8217;m glad I went this once to see what it was all about. Possibility of attending again in the future is only fair to middling, though I&#8217;d recommend it at least once to bishoujo game fans and cosplay enthusiasts more devoted than myself.

Anticipated Questions and Answers

Q. Why don&#8217;t you have any pictures of ( x where x = anything inside the event hall)?

A. The staff would have taken away the flash memory if I took my camera out. I can&#8217;t afford to lose that memory stick, it&#8217;s the only one I have. ;_;

Q. You said the event was like the Comic Market industry booth section. What is that like?

A. Picture any trade show or anime convention dealer&#8217;s hall you&#8217;ve been to, in a space the size of an aircraft hangar and with a lot more scantily clad 2D girls, professional cosplayers, and saccharine denpa theme songs cluttering the air. Picture endlessly long lines of Japanese men. That&#8217;s about it.

Q. What are bishoujo games / eroge?

It&#8217;s tough work, policing a party of dreams&#8230;

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Okay so I don&#39;t usually do this but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media

Okay, so I don&#39;t usually do this, but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media.

Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and fetuses personhood status.

Putting aside the contentious issue of abortion, this would effectively outlaw birth control and criminalize women who have miscarriages. This is not a good thing.

Jackson Women&#39;s Health Organization is the only place women can get abortions in the entire state, and they are trying to launch a grassroots movement against this amendment. This doesn&#39;t just apply to Mississippi, though, as Personhood USA, the group that introduced this amendment, is trying to introduce identical amendments in all 50 states .

What&#39;s more, in Mississippi, this amendment is expected to pass. It even has Mississippi Democrats, including the Attorney General, Jim Hood, backing it.

The reason I&#39;m posting this here is because I made a meager donation to the Jackson Women&#39;s Health Organization this morning, and I received a personal email back hours later - on a Sunday - thanking me and noting that I&#39;m one of the first "outside" people to contribute.

So if you sometimes pass on political action because you figure that enough other people will do something to make a difference, make an exception on this one. My RSS reader is near silent on this amendment. I only found out about it through a feminist blog. The mainstream media is not reporting on it.

If there is ever a time to donate or send a letter in protest, this would be it.

What to do?


- Read up on it. Wake Up, Mississippi is the home of the grassroots effort to fight this amendment. Daily Kos also has a thorough story on it.

- If you can afford it, you can donate at the site&#39;s link.

- You can contact the Democratic National Committee to see why more of our representatives aren&#39;t speaking out against this.

- Like this Facebook page to help spread awareness.

this is just plain stupid -_- why do ladies have to be criminalize for miscarriages??

miscarriages isn&#39;t their fault anyway. I mean accident and mishaps occur.

sometimes the baby just dies in the womb. but who&#39;s fault is that? the mother?

but if the mother did nothing, she&#39;s completely healthy and she was doing everything she could for the baby??

Aborting is the parents fault but if the child isn&#39;t intentional and they have no money or intention to keep him/her, i rather the baby get aborted then born into this world with no love and no proper family.

it has nothing to do with singapore but it&#39;s best to spread this.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I&rsquo;ve never been female But I have been black my whole life I can perhaps offer some insight from that perspective There are many similar social issues related to access to equal opportunity that we find in the black community as well as the community of women in a white male dominate society&hellip;


I’ve never been female. But I have been black my whole life. I can perhaps offer some insight from that perspective. There are many similar social issues related to access to equal opportunity that we find in the black community, as well as the community of women in a white male dominate society…

When I look at — throughout my life — I’ve known that I wanted to do astrophysics since I was 9 years old…I got to see how the world around me reacted to my expressions of these ambitions. All I can say is, the fact that I wanted to be a scientist, an astrophysicist was hands down the path of most resistance through the forces of society.

Anytime I expressed this interest, teachers would say, ‘Oh, don’t you wanna be an athlete?’ I want to become someone that was outside of the paradigm of expectations of the people in power. Fortunately, my depth of interest of the universe was so deep and so fuel enriched that everyone of these curve balls that I was thrown, and fences built in front of me, and hills that I had to climb, I just reach for more fuel, and I just kept going.

Now, here I am, one of the most visible scientists in the land, and I wanna look behind me and say, ‘Where are the others who might have been this,’ and they’re not there! …I happened to survive and others did not simply because of forces of society that prevented it at every turn. At every turn.

…My life experience tells me that when you don’t find blacks, when you don’t find women in the sciences, I know that these forces are real, and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today.

So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, then we can have that conversation.

“What’s up with chicks and science?”

Are there genetic differences between men and women, explain why more men are in science.

I’ve never been female. But I have been black my whole life. I can perhaps offer some insight from that perspective. There are many similar social issues related to access to equal opportunity that we find in the black community, as well as the community of women in a white male dominate society…

When I look at — throughout my life — I’ve known that I wanted to do astrophysics since I was 9 years old…I got to see how the world around me reacted to my expressions of these ambitions. All I can say is, the fact that I wanted to be a scientist, an astrophysicist was hands down the path of most resistance through the forces of society.

Anytime I expressed this interest, teachers would say, ‘Oh, don’t you wanna be an athlete?’ I want to become someone that was outside of the paradigm of expectations of the people in power. Fortunately, my depth of interest of the universe was so deep and so fuel enriched that everyone of these curve balls that I was thrown, and fences built in front of me, and hills that I had to climb, I just reach for more fuel, and I just kept going.

Now, here I am, one of the most visible scientists in the land, and I wanna look behind me and say, ‘Where are the others who might have been this,’ and they’re not there! …I happened to survive and others did not simply because of forces of society that prevented it at every turn. At every turn.

…My life experience tells me that when you don’t find blacks, when you don’t find women in the sciences, I know that these forces are real, and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today.

So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, then we can have that conversation.

" class="facebook"> I’ve never been female. But I have been black my whole life. I can perhaps offer some insight from that perspective. There are many similar social issues related to access to equal opportunity that we find in the black community, as well as the community of women in a white male dominate society…

When I look at — throughout my life — I’ve known that I wanted to do astrophysics since I was 9 years old…I got to see how the world around me reacted to my expressions of these ambitions. All I can say is, the fact that I wanted to be a scientist, an astrophysicist was hands down the path of most resistance through the forces of society.

Anytime I expressed this interest, teachers would say, ‘Oh, don’t you wanna be an athlete?’ I want to become someone that was outside of the paradigm of expectations of the people in power. Fortunately, my depth of interest of the universe was so deep and so fuel enriched that everyone of these curve balls that I was thrown, and fences built in front of me, and hills that I had to climb, I just reach for more fuel, and I just kept going.

Now, here I am, one of the most visible scientists in the land, and I wanna look behind me and say, ‘Where are the others who might have been this,’ and they’re not there! …I happened to survive and others did not simply because of forces of society that prevented it at every turn. At every turn.

…My life experience tells me that when you don’t find blacks, when you don’t find women in the sciences, I know that these forces are real, and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today.

So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, then we can have that conversation.

+http://tmblr.co/ZoYvss1E6GbF3+@generalelectric" class="twitter"> I’ve never been female. But I have been black my whole life. I can perhaps offer some insight from that perspective. There are many similar social issues related to access to equal opportunity that we find in the black community, as well as the community of women in a white male dominate society…

When I look at — throughout my life — I’ve known that I wanted to do astrophysics since I was 9 years old…I got to see how the world around me reacted to my expressions of these ambitions. All I can say is, the fact that I wanted to be a scientist, an astrophysicist was hands down the path of most resistance through the forces of society.

Anytime I expressed this interest, teachers would say, ‘Oh, don’t you wanna be an athlete?’ I want to become someone that was outside of the paradigm of expectations of the people in power. Fortunately, my depth of interest of the universe was so deep and so fuel enriched that everyone of these curve balls that I was thrown, and fences built in front of me, and hills that I had to climb, I just reach for more fuel, and I just kept going.

Now, here I am, one of the most visible scientists in the land, and I wanna look behind me and say, ‘Where are the others who might have been this,’ and they’re not there! …I happened to survive and others did not simply because of forces of society that prevented it at every turn. At every turn.

…My life experience tells me that when you don’t find blacks, when you don’t find women in the sciences, I know that these forces are real, and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today.

So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, then we can have that conversation.

Monday, November 12, 2012





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Friday, November 9, 2012




Edit: This writeup refers to the Japanese word yuri . For the word used by English-speakers, Frater 219 's definition is more accurate.

Yuri literally means "lily " in Japanese. When taken individually, the two Chinese characters are hyaku (hundred) and au (to meet), respectively. I'm not sure why those characters came to have this meaning when used together, but this is used as a symbolic element in the short story Yumejûya by Natsume Sôseki. Jim Breen's Japanese-English Dictionary lists 55 names all pronounced "Yuri," of which only one has the same characters (and thus meaning) of the word above. In addition, there are other names such as "Yuriko," Yurika," and "Sayuri" that are sometimes based on the word. Many of these names are exclusively feminine, but others may be unisex or surnames.

The term yuri is commonly used to describe novels, comics, and other media involving relationships (usually, but not always, romantic&#151;and, in my experience, not sexual most of the time) between two women. This is not really the gender counterpart to yaoi . but rather the BL (boys' love) genre. Judging by the names of authors, yuri comics and novels are written by both women and men.

The apparent majority of specifically yuri -themed stories are set in high schools in modern Japan, often all-girls' and Catholic schools. In many cases, the two heroines take on sisterly roles (with the younger calling her partner "o-Nee-sama " ), or are simply sem pai and kôhai . In other cases, one of the two will have a more masculine appearance, mannerisms, or speech patterns. Those where the two are on equal footing tend to begin with either being childhood friends or one transferring into the other's class from another school.


(I can only assume that those are the target audience for E2. )

&#12302;&#12459;&#12540;&#12489;&#12461;&#12515;&#12503;&#12479;&#12540;&#12373;&#12367;&#12425;&#12303;( CardCaptor Sakura &#151;comics, animation, etc. ): Although it was toned down a bit down in the animated version (apparently to appeal to a wider audience), there is an overtone of Daidôji Tomoyo 's strong feelings for the title character.

&#12302;&#23569;&#22899;&#38761;&#21629;&#12454;&#12486;&#12490;&#12303;( Shôjo Kakumei Utena /La Fillette Revolutionaire/Revolutionary Girl Utena &#151;comics, animation, etc. ): Aside from the title character 's especially affectionate best friend, there is constant ambiguity about the relationship between Utena and her "bride". At least one female-female relationship also appears among supporting characters, but if I said more, that would spoil the ending of that episode.

&#12302;&#32654;&#23569;&#22899;&#25126;&#22763;&#12475;&#12540;&#12521;&#12540;&#12512;&#12540;&#12531;&#12303;( Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon /Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon &#151;comics, animation, etc. ): Aside from the usual camaraderie arising from the premise of an all-female sentai . the supporting characters Ten'ô Haruka (Sailor Uranus ) and Kaiô Michiru (Sailor Neptune) are a popular couple to dôjinshi artists.


I am not aware if any of these are commercially available in English-speaking countries, but they can be ordered from amazon.co.jp or jpqueen.com.


Eternal Sisters &#151;comics): A variety of yuri -themed stories.

&#12302;&#30334;&#21512;&#22985;&#22969;&#12303; ( Yuri Shimai/Lily Sisters &#151;magazine): In addition to comics and short stories, this newly created quarterly magazine has articles discussing the various yuri -themed media on the market, as well as one columnist's life experiences in girls' love.

&#12302;&#30334;&#21512;&#22825;&#22269;&#12303;( Yuri Tengoku/Girls Heaven &#151;comics): Anthologies of yuri -themed stories in school settings.


&#12302;&#12510;&#12522;&#12450;&#27096;&#12364;&#12415;&#12390;&#12427;&#12303;( Maria-sama ga Mite'ru/La Vierge Marie Vous Regarde/Maria-sama is Watching &#151;novels, comics, animation): A greatly popular series in Japan, to the point that Yuri Shimai didn't feel necessary to give any description in its section on the series. It centers around the student council of a Catholic girls' school, where upperclassmen adopt underclassmen as their "little sisters" under the soeur system.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Latest Releases

Latest Releases

Friday, 14 December 2007 17:06

y hallo thar!

Today I bring you Biohazard c01. Now, I know what many of you are thinking.

"But Ana, another group already released it before you did! Why even bother?"


Long story short, I was half-way done when I decided it might be a good idea to try and pass my finals. As such, we got beat, plain and simple.

And moving right along once more. We need translators and editors. As far as translators go, japanese, french, german, it doesn't matter. If we can acquire raws of a manga in your native tongue (aside from english. smart asses), and you're willing to translate, we'll take you. As far as editors go, yes, BLAH's stuff isn't the best out there or highest quality, but we do have standards. Don't even bother if you don't have photoshop or at least gIMP(thought I've never used it). And if you don't understand the concept of leveling/cropping/clone stamping then stay away as well. If you decide to come without any prior knowledge, I'll try my best to help you out, but I'm no master myself.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

28 December 2012 @ 03 32 pm

28 December 2012 @ 03:32 pm

Bleach 2012 Year in Review

It&#39;s me. I&#39;m not dead. I&#39;ve just been busy with work and children and my new puppy, but I still love Bleach more than ever and will always be married to it. Speaking of marriage, mazel tov to Kubo-sensei on his nuptials which were announced in WSJ a couple weeks ago with the succinct but dramatic words "I got married." Oh Kubo, Kubo, Kubo. What&#39;s next? "Today I ate extra cake in celebration of the baby?" He has always spoken of his characters as his children, but aren&#39;t we all imagining Kubo as RL papa now? Maybe an Isshin and Ukitake come to life with a little bit of Ryuuken thrown in for style? Of course, whatever course Sensei chooses for his life, he has all our love AND BEST WISHES (and our projected desires!) He also obviously wants his privacy, so no one ask me for the name of his wife.


I&#39;ll always be his gf. Le sigh.

It&#39;s also that time of year for a manga year in review. Last year&#39;s was popular and got translated in a French forum. and it always pleases me when my little ramblings go global so I&#39;m devoting this evening to screencapping some favorite 2012 Bleach manga moments instead of overdosing on decaf cappuccino and scrolling through cat gifs during my precious free time!


Unlike a lot of people I enjoyed the Fullbringer arc last year, but many people were happy to see this panel because, yey, END OF THAT ARC FULL OF BRINGERS NO ONE REALLY CARED ABOUT:

If you liked the character at all, it was a very poignant drawing of Ginjou, ne? The guy was going to diiiiiiiiie. Classic Kubo farewell. Of course, death is only an illusion in Bleach and no one really dies. Not recently, the guy shows up again in Soul Society (that&#39;s Ginjou far right-- Ganjou, whose name oddly enough I kept typing as Ginjou&#39;s as for months, is the sinister-sexy dude in the middle with trailer-park hair)

Some people call "foul" about the lack of true character death in this series but Ginjou&#39;s reappearance in SS only verifies his soul as human and makes perfect sense. Tsukishima&#39;s death in that ambiguous last scene is confirmed (I always SAID he was dead!) but I do wonder why creepy watch-guy Giriko didn&#39;t get shuffled off to HELL for killing his wife just for the fun of it.

So the beginning of 2012 was the end of the FB arc.

Tsukishima was my favorite character of the FB arc and while some may have found his death (or fading away into a bromance in the early dawn&#39;s light and the side text promising a new beginning) as the true end of the arc, I felt like Tsuki&#39;s story and Ginjou&#39;s story were far from complete. Other fans felt cheated of a backstory too. The reappearance of the characters in this last arc satiates me in that regard.

For me, the true end of the FB arc was in Ichigo&#39;s narrative.

The FB arc ended beautifully, I thought, as a mini coming-of-age tale within a larger shounen coming-of-age tale.


The whole point was to revitalize the main character, give a nod to the series beginnings in a which a powerless boy is made a part-time DEATH G-D, and in this short arc he relives his wish of "a nornal" life a la some Frank Capra movie and those g-dly powers are gone---Ichigo&#39;s whole world is devastated, his power to protect the way he truly wanted is gone too and those he wants to protect don&#39;t want his protection and AGAIN (as with Ulquiorra and even Aizen) Ichigo identifies with his antagonist when he fights Ginjou. This time, Ichigo is given his powers again--by Rukia piercing him with a sword like the first time but unlike the first time when it was done as a crime and against the knowledge of SS-- this time all the shinigami captains have put their reiatsu into the sword and the directive comes from the Captain Commander. There is a glorious scene where Ichigo stomps into Soul Society to claim Ginjou&#39;s body and confronts the Captain Commander and asserts his presence and identity as a shinigami. Ichigo knows the extent to which SS has "used" him and to what extent Ichigo is still not fully accepted by SS. Ichigo, like Ginjou was, is still ONLY a shinigami representative and not considered a full shinigami. It&#39;s such a glorious scene. Asked how he can forgive Ginjou after all the man has done to his family and friends, Ichigo gives a sly answer loaded with double-meaning and insolence. I felt my heart swell with nachas and all the Jewish mama molecules in my being go verklempt at Ichigo acting so clever and grown-up.

Shinji only side-eyed Ichigo.

Like fucking wow, Ichigo. You sassed old man Yama. In the very next panel, just in case you didn&#39;t get it, the Captain Commander asks Ichigo directly if he meant something by his particular turn of words.

Kurosaki Ichigo doesn&#39;t consider himself a mere shinigami representative and he&#39;s got plans in the Gotei hierarchy. Career plans. When you think of it, it makes a lovely parallel. His father Isshin gave up life in SS to live on Earth. It only makes a Kubo-esgue symmetry that Ichigo will leave Earth to take a role in SS. His fighting so dearly in the beginning of this new arc for SS is only the beginning. His standing with the captains to greet the Royal Guard as if he were one of the captains is only the beginning. His being whisked to the Royal Realm--well, your guess is as good as mine there. Who knows what those clowns are up to and who the king really is?

But take a look at these two Jewish mamas.


Then came the new arc and instead of telling a new story with beloved familiar characters, Kubo-sensei did what so many of his long-time readers DREAD and that is INTRODUCE NEW CHARACTERS.

I saw immediately how the POV of these characters worked as a narrative device, how the new naive shinigami were needed when the MC was now all growing up, and maybe Kubo (as always) was a few years (and a snails&#39; pace) ahead of his audience and these characters would have telling roles along down the line, but like everyone else. I didn&#39;t want to see them as much as I wanted to see my old favorites.

Otherwise. as Shino says to Yuki in the panel below, "That&#39;d be such a waste of time. There&#39;d be no point for both of us to be here!"

I dunno. There have been few Kubo characters who were absolute throw-aways. Ikumi Unigaya&#39;s little son Kaoru served to show her motherly side. so it was clear that she was being motherly with Ichigo and not perving on him later when she squashed him to her breasts. I remember when people thought Kaoru would turn out to be Tsukishima&#39;s longlost son. Sometimes the characters are just there to be funny---like the yakuza guy in the Fullbringer arc who was NOT that funny. Sometimes they&#39;re a fighting opponent who&#39;s a boring fighter. I just have an inkling these two will matter a little bit in the story later on. After all, Kubo&#39;s bothered enough to give Yuki two color pages!

Moving on.

The special!SPECIAL!SPECIAL!sekrit! information let out by Jump during Bleach&#39;s three week hiatus pretty much let readers know that we were in for a Quincy arc, that Kubo wanted to draw Aizen in bondage again, and that Grimmjow in all likelihood would reappear (TOLD YA TOLD YA TOLD YA SO--now aren&#39;t you glad I shut up all discussion about "Grimmjow&#39;s DEATH CONFIRMED" here in bleachness ?)

Soon enough, we got Quincy galore and the return of old favorite characters. I was hopping crazy excited for Quincy. They looked like weird modified Arrancar hybrid freaks to me---deadly and wack. The first one we saw was hilarious. Everyone fully expected him to stick around for a while. But like another comedic character of old, Dordoni, he up and died QUICK.

Here he is. Ebern, holding up what seems to be a Quincy sand-dollar and chanting a spell in German somesuch. I liked him.

I could NOT STAND the next major Quincy character that showed up. This one would NOT die soon enough. He served his purpose of exposition well enough---he let out little hints about Quincy powers and teased about how Uryuu&#39;s arrows "should" be stronger than he was, AND YES, I know he was important to the narrative but it was amusing to see all the "When will OPIE DIIIIIE?" threads on Bleach forums. The Nazi-resemblance was creepy enough--especially since I&#39;ve always called the Quincy the Jews of the Bleachverse. and now, in a classic Kubo twist, the victims had become the Evil ones.

Nel came back, Pesche came back, Mila Rose---but you know who I was really cheered to see? There&#39;s a Bleach character who really gave me deep feelings once. You&#39;ll never guess. I love all his symbolic implications. This guy:

Isn&#39;t he creepy? I love him. He&#39;s a true chimera, a thing made up of PARTS--he doesn&#39;t take orders from anyone really, not even his creators. He&#39;s a THING, a destroyer. He was a beautiful foreshadower of IchiThing in the Lust arc--that Ichigo transformation that was part human, part shinigami, part Hollow, all corrupted instinct of "I will protect" and here again, he seems to allude to the THINGS that are these weird Quincy--because whatever these Quincy are, they are not what Souken and the Ishida line are. They are grotesque absorbing mutations.

And of course, Allon just helps Opie get fuglier.

Opie starts OUT fugly, in an outfit that would make Uryuu want to shoot him and even makes Ichigo say he would shoot him for Uryuu&#39;s sake:

But then, OMG, I&#39;ll never forget the day I saw this manga page. It was a good thing I wasn&#39;t holding my morning coffee in my hand or I would&#39;ve spillled it. Kubooooooooo, you love drawing shit like this don&#39;t you, loooool:

I think the only other panel this arc that made me drop my jaw as much was the grotesque fanservice page of Harribel in chains. Hey, I know what kind of magazine Bleach runs in, and I know Kubo doesn&#39;t draw HALF of the ecchi stuff that goes on in some other shounen manga but that doesn&#39;t mean that as a woman I have to like this stuff. Thankfully, I hadn&#39;t seen anything this yuck since Orihime&#39;s bondage scene with Grimmjow. Yeah, yeah, it&#39;s only a comic--it&#39;s playful and innocent enough--but QUESTION, KUBO, WHY IS SHE IN HER "PRETTY" RELEASED ZANPAKUTOU FORM and not in her skeletal face form if she&#39;s subdued?

Eh, I always forgive Sensei for such panels when he&#39;s also capable of drawing ones like the following--the one that shows the Captain Commander bent in grief at his lieutenant&#39;s funeral:


Most fans felt the end of the old man was near upon seeing this panel. Ichigo&#39;s coming of age notwithstanding, the time for the Old Guard to pass was approaching. Yamamoto&#39;s death card was dealt the moment he agreed with Mayuri that wiping out all those souls in the Rukongai was the right thing to do. Ambiguious morality cometh before the fall. There was an old man and his lieutenant backstory. It was the beginning of the end.

In fact, we know who&#39;s going to die. It&#39;s not just the Old Man. Mayuri&#39;s had a Quincy Arrow with his name on it since the beginning of Bleach. I, for one, appreciate that the old evil Mayuri is back (not the lulzy Mayuri or the quasi-heroic one who gave beautiful speeches and saved Renji and Ishida from Szayel---who really understood THAT? I tried. I&#39;d rather have that dark horrible Hueco Mundo arc than not, though--yes it was dark and horrible and long but maybe only us Ulquiorra fangirls with our black tears can truly appreciate the beautiful pain of it). Besides Mayuri dying in this arc, the King of the Quincy must die too because well, he&#39;s the arch-villain. The story is all set up . And I love how it&#39;s Mayuri who sets it up as the "Thousand Year War" like a battle of one ancient prince against another, a bro against bro sort of mythos that will resonate in whatever story there is between Isshin and Ryuuken, Ichigo and Uryuu.

I just looooooove how Mayuri has the g-ddamn balls to sass the Captain Commander. Seems like the Old Man was just getting cut down bit by bit before his eventual downfall. This scene--glorious drama.

Who is Juha Bach and why is a Quincy so old?

I think he&#39;s really sexy. Sexiest Quincy since Ishida Ryuuken. oh come to me, all ye Quincy back-stories. I can&#39;t wait.


Oh yeah, some stuff happened this past year in Soul Society. We were told in the TELL ALL SPOILERS from Jump that Soul Society would be left in ruins and that the Royal Guard would show up. That all happened really quickly, fairly efficiently, without an excess of boring fights (the only extended fight was Old Man Yama&#39;s and it was worth it to see the Head of the Gotei&#39;s SUPAH BAN KAI) But before that, I had to say goodbye to my favorite character and hold to my heart the tweet from Sensei that he promised to have Uryuu appear as "much as possible" in the final arc. I haven&#39;t seen Ishida Uryuu FOR ALMOST WHOLE YEAR NOW. But when we last saw him, we knew he was UP TO SOMETHING. Here he is in shadow, apologizing for not being able to join his friends in Hueco Mundo, and looking saaaaad.

Then we had a bit of foreshadowing from Orihime who smiled and smiled at Ishida and when Ishida asked what was the matter with her, she gave him some answer about how she liked his having bonded with Ichigo.

which can only mean. dun dun dun. am I going to get an IchiIshi battle somewhere down the line? Am going to get my IshiHime ship fantasies stirred up later? Ishida blushed and it was such a cute scene (I still ship IshiHime like mad). In the 2013 manga calendar, Kubo-sensei slapped Ichigo and Ishida next to one another in a new duo fashion spread. I&#39;m waiting for it---my Ichigo and Ishida scenes. Oh yeaaaah. Because if there&#39;s any pair that has more mad crazy gotta-watch-this fun-sentimental-adorable chemistry other than Ichigo and Rukia in Bleach, it&#39;s Ichigo and Ishida. <3


Onto to the fall of Soul Society. Well, a lot of it got smashed up, but it didn&#39;t exactly fall. Kubo teased a lot. He shot a hole in Kira that was really no bigger than the one we saw in Matsumoto when Allon went on a rampage. We still don&#39;t know what&#39;s up with Kira (he&#39;s currently undergoing what was called "Kensei Syndrome" in the previous arc). Trust me. He&#39;s fine. A shinigami has to have his head blown off to be really dead, right? Or as in the case of the old man, the head came off and he was blown to smithereens---plus a backstory and a color page. Don&#39;t forget the backstory and color page, two sure indicators of major character demise.

I enjoyed the fights in the SS demolition for what they were--swift and scary. And some character designs were especially clever.

Most fights were mercifully quick and they weren&#39;t "mini-stories." HORROR was the main point. Kubo is excellent at horror. He&#39;s a master.

YUCK. I&#39;m not going to show you the Rukia skull because I&#39;m sure it&#39;s emblazoned in your memory if you get the creepies from stuff like that the way I do.

Story-wise, what got to me most was the little flashback from Shunsui right before Old Man Yama died. The story was poetry--it had the sweep of generations and all the love between two characters and all that passing of the torch stuff. As well as a stern lesson--a warning, a foreboding. Arrgh. I was slain. I always knew Shunsui&#39;s character was serious as DEATH when he fought and killed Starrk and Lilynette

Yeah, that&#39;s one character who won&#39;t be coming back. This ain&#39;t no case of Kira, Bya, Grimmy (Or Ulqui XD)

MEANWHILE, Ichigo was stuck in a Quincy cage the whole time and couldn&#39;t do a damn thing but shout his signature battle cry and getsuga tenshou until he was red in the face.

I thought he might be transforming into IchiThing in that panel but I was wrong. I&#39;ll admit when I&#39;m wrong--it happens. Another time I was wrong was when I thought the Kenpachi who showed up to save Ichigo from Nnoitra in HM was the Kenpachi of Ichigo&#39;s Inner World, but you can&#39;t always call Bleach 100%. Syn . who gets Bleach right more than just about anyone, told me that was blood on Ichigo&#39;s face, not a Hollow marking--but she thought Grimmjow was dead too, nyah, and wasn&#39;t sure about Byakuya. She did agree with me and Annie that if Kubo were to kill off Nii-sama, then the man would&#39;ve received a Hisana flashback and a very sakura-endowed color page. My simple reasoning was hey, Byakuya, upon Ichigo&#39;s EVENTUAL (tooo late) arrival at the devastation that was SS, pleaded with Ichigo to win . And by all rights, it simply wasn&#39;t Ichigo&#39;s turn to win. No shounen hero wins in his first round against the Big Bad. Byakuya could not die in vain. It would have been a too tragic request. Kubo does tragic, but not with a good guy like Byakuya.

I wasn&#39;t worried for a second. Not a single second.

It was kind of a pretty delight, though, to watch Byakuya suffer and Kubo draw out the tortuous game. So many of you were SO FREAKING SURE Byakuya was dead. Haha.

Sometimes I wish Sensei would lay off the teasing. It&#39;s getting old. But apparently he still manages to fool a lot of people, so he keeps at it. I mean, as I understand it, there are still some fans arguing over whether or not Rukia was the mysterygami shown putting her reiatsu into the sword that Urahara was forging way back in the Fullbringer arc. When a mystery swordsman showed up to put an end to Opie, most people guessed it was Grimmjow and now Kubo is teasing by not showing the guy&#39;s face, but du&#39;uh.


To be fair, Kubo has been letting out some major reveals this year. This arc is tying up loose ends and implying that some of the big packages that Kubo started filling years ago will finally be wrapped up and those loose ends tied up into pretty bows on top. WE SAW THE ROYAL GUARD AT LAST, Y&#39;ALL. We saw them. They&#39;re a bunch of freaks, and hasn&#39;t the manga been fun since?

Oh yes, the big reveal was that Ichigo is part Quincy. Kubo-sensei said that audience would be blown away by some revelation about Ichigo&#39;s birth but I suspect that this revelation hasn&#39;t come to full fruition yet. I&#39;m still waiting for the Isshin backstory and what all my handsome chain-smoking Ryuuken has to do with this. Many Ishida fans had been speculating for yeaaaaars that Masaki was related to Ryuuken somehow so this reveal didn&#39;t throw some of us off our feet.

The reveal that had me yelling like a teenager on Twitter and capslocking on Tumblr was the UNOHANA WAS THE FIRST KENPACHI reveal.


OH WOW. THIS IS WHY EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AFRAID OF HER. AND HER NAME IS YACHIRU. THIS IS ONLY PERSON ZARAKI ADMIRED AND WANTED TO BE LIKE AND WHO HE NAMED HIS FOUNDLING AFTER. I flipped every fangirl lid I had--I&#39;ve been shipping Kenpachi and Unohana as pure crack ever since I wrote my first Bleach story in 2004 and had the two interact, ever since I drew http://debbiechan.deviantart.com/art/Ken oHana-Bells-23876352 in 2005. I thought maybe Kubo himself had started to fancy the ship when he wrote a scene for the pair in one of the musicals but never in my wildest dreams did I think I&#39;d see a nod to my cracky ship and NEVER DID I DREAM RETSU WOULD BE TRAINING KEN-CHAN TO FIGHT IN CANON MANGA.

*clutches heart* Of course Syn says that we probably won&#39;t see that training and I reluctantly agree---it will happen off panel so that the first time audiences see the Unohana battle they&#39;ve been peeing in their pants for, it will be against a Quincy in a real honest to the death scene. when the murderous true Retsu of old emerges.

Speaking of reveals, yeah, wow, we finally saw none other than the SPIRIT KING this year. Cute little bugger. A little sparkly, not at all the scary monster I thought he&#39;d be.

Too bad the King of the Universe had his reveal upstaged by the reveal of Rukia&#39;s shapely ass in the same chapter.

There&#39;s not much more to add about the peachy ass that rocked the fandom except THE END because I&#39;m really hungry after typing up all this and I have to go make dinner.

Oh, one more thing. Bleach is fun right now and I can&#39;t wait for upcoming chapters! More please, Sensei! MORE PLEASE?

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