Yaoi Movie

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yoshihara Rieko

Yoshihara Rieko

(? - ) Japanese author and a key creator of the homoerotic subgenre known in Japan as shōnen ai ["boys' love"]. Yoshihara spent the first three years of her career writing straightforward homoerotic romance, before stumbling into sf, seemingly by accident, with the success of her signature work Ai no Kusabi (December 1986-October 1987 Shōsetsu June ; 1990 ; trans as The Space Between 2007-2008 [see Checklist for details]). Originally published in book form as a single hardback novel, it was later reissued as a six-part series, from which the English translation was made.

Yoshihara's work is strongly redolent of the sexually-charged mysteries of Ranpo Edogawa. and shares many overt themes with the controversial sf of Shōzō Numa. However, it reached an entirely different audience, one largely unaware of these precursors. The world of Ai no Kusabi is divided by decree into classes defined by Genetic Engineering as signalled by the hair colour of the blond rulers and their black-haired subjects. The Blondies are forbidden from sexual intercourse, but often keep members of the dark-haired underclass for use as "pets" and "furniture". In an attempt to curtail Overpopulation. no more than 10% of births may be female, effectively rendering the milieu as an all-male environment, as opposed to the female Keep of Yoshihara's contemporary Yumi Matsuo .

In a sense, Yoshihara's work is an extreme comment on Women in SF. by excluding them almost entirely from a narrative of intense homoerotic relationships and macho vendettas. In depicting abusive relationships between men, in a world from which women are removed or somehow distanced, she tapped into an unexpectedly large subsection of female fandom. Ai no Kusabi found a passionate readership in Japan, sufficient to secure a Seiun Award for its illustrator Katsumi Michihara. although not for its author. The series has twice been adapted into anime, as a two-part video in 1992 and on DVD in 2012; there have also been CD dramas in the style of Radio plays, as well as a Manga edition. Long before its licensed translation in the twenty-first century, it gained a similarly passionate fan following at the periphery of US anime fandom, often among viewers who were forced to guess at the Japanese plot. In its romanticizing of both abstinence and abuse, it can be seen as a forerunner of certain subsets of twenty-first century fantasy, particularly the depiction of Vampires typified by Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.

Ai no Kusabi was the subject of a prolonged fan translation project, the results of which are often at odds with the output of the legal English-language publication. This is a feature of the sheer fanaticism of Fandom. but also of the many difficulties facing a translator of its complex, multi-layered situations. Even the title encompasses a multiplicity of meanings, with "The Space Between" in Japanese also a pun on "Bonds of Love", "Wedge of Interval" and numerous other possible readings. Moreover, some of Yoshihara's editions offer a decorative English-language subtitle on the Japanese cover, even though her English-language title is often an inexact or counter-intuitive rendering of the actual Japanese. Such fogging of meaning is commonplace in modern Japanese sf, but plays havoc with encyclopedia listings (see Hisashi Kuroma ).

Although hardly one of the Mainstream Writers of SF. Yoshihara shares many of their concerns, being primarily an author in one genre (her mundane homosexual romances are largely unlisted here), who only occasionally dabbles in Fantastika. Several of her other books touch on otherworldly themes. Kage no Kan ["House of Shadows"] ( 1994 ) eroticizes the relationship between Lucifer and his sworn enemy, the archangel Michael. Although not listed as a sequel per se, the following year's Satan no Fūin ["Seal of Satan"] ( 1995 ), shares an illustrator, as well as an apparent continuation of the story as Lucifer lives out his exile on Earth (see Gods and Demons ). [JonC]

Rieko Yoshihara

born Fukuoka, Japan: 10 April [year unknown/]


works (selected)


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi ["The Space Between"] (Tokyo: Kōfūsha, 1990 ) [ Ai no Kusabi . hb/Katsumi Michihara ]

Kaette Kita Otoko ["The Man Who Came Back"] (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2001 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Stranger (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2007 ) [trans of the above: note that although the publisher's name is Digital Manga . the book is in prose form: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Meidō (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2003 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Destiny (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2008 ) [trans of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]


Kokuin ["Carved Seal"] (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2004 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Nightmare (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2008 ) [trans of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Konmei ["Stupefaction"] (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2005 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Suggestion (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2008 ) [trans of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Nagai Yoru ["The Long Night"] (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2005 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Darkness (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2008 ) [trans of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Shōdō no Hikigane ["Trigger Impulse"] (Tokyo: Seibidō, 2005 ) [partial reissue of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Metamorphose (Los Angeles, California: Digital Manga, 2008 ) [trans of the above: Ai no Kusabi . pb/Katsumi Michihara]

Midnight Illusion (Tokyo: Tokyo: Kōfūsha, 1996 ) [ Ai no Kusabi . hb/Katsumi Michihara ]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sex hormone

Sex hormone


sex hormone , a chemical substance produced by a sex gland or other organ that has an effect on the sexual features of an organism. Like many other kinds of hormones, sex hormones may also be artificially synthesized. See androgen ; estrogen .

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Server Error in '/' Application

Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application&#39;s <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Serious stories in anime and the "social facade" that protects fandom


Serious stories in anime, and the "social facade" that protects fandom.

In addition to trying to revive the Japanese economy through his "Abenomics" reforms (which have had the effect of making anime goods cheaper for all of us due to the weakening yen), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been trying to make sure Japan is included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed free-trade agreement which would remove barriers between twelve nations around the Pacific region. I saw some discussion online about the potential for the TPP, which also tries to streamline copyright rules, to bring about the end of Japan's rather unique subculture of doujinshi . underground fan-made comics that parody everything from Amagi Brilliant Park to WWII ship girls to, erm, Frozencest. Personally, I'm not worried in the least, thanks to the wonderful Japanese mechanism of 建前 tatemae (ta-te-mah-eh), which means "façade" (as in, the front of a building) but which also describes the Japanese tendency of doing something on the surface but not deep down, where it counts. Some good examples of tatemae in Japanese society include the way gambling is officially illegal, yet patrons of Pachinko establishments can win "valuable prizes" which they can conveniently sell for cash at a small building next door, or the soapland (a semi-legal place where men pay women to wash their bodies) in Shibuya which stands not 20 feet from a police station. The opposite of tatemae is 本音 honne (hone-neh), meaning the truth, the way people really think. In the event that the TPP caused new rules related to Japan's doujin underground to be made, I have full confidence that these rules would be followed on the surface ( tatemae ) yet nothing would actually change in the end ( honne ).

One thing I've always been impressed with is the quality and depth of the stories found in many anime series, which often feature hardcore SF and dramatic themes (Knights of Sidonia. Planetes) that redefine whole genres, from cyberpunk (Ghost in the Shell ) to time travel/time dilation (Steins;Gate. Voice of a Distant Star). It wasn't always this way. Back in the 70s and 80s, animation in the U.S. was under constant attack from parents' groups who objected to awesome shows like Hannah-Barbara's masterpiece Jonny Quest for not being sufficiently "family-friendly" (because they told, you know, interesting stories that were exciting to watch). Recently I started Plastic Memories, about a future in which extremely human-like androids called "giftia" live alongside us, but due to a limitation in their technology, they can only live for 9 years and 4 months before they must be collected and destroyed. The story begins as the main character Tsukasa joins the Terminal Service section of the SAI Corporation, his job being to collect androids who have reached the end of their service period, which he does alongside his partner Isla. Isla is a giftia herself, and it's pretty clear that the story is headed for a dark place that will no doubt evoking many otaku tears.

JAST USA and J-List have been hard at work to clear our backlog of games and get them where they belong, into the hands of dedicated visual novel fans. In addition to recently shipping the Nitroplus "sword opera" Hanachirasu and the total remake of Kana Imouto and announcing the upcoming Starless. we're now taking the wraps off the Limited Edition for Shiny Days. It'll be great: a large Japan-style box, with the massive game (18GB on two dual layer DVDs), a 48 page artbook, original mouse pad and more. Preorder your copy now!

Monday, September 5, 2011

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