Yaoi Movie

Monday, January 31, 2011




c'est de quelle auteure l'image.

:X j&#039;en ai quelques uns mais j&#039;aime pas quand c&#039;est trop graphique ou violent genre Gavitation Remix (qui est vraiement а dйgueuler tout comme In These Words comme si un psychopathe c&#039;йtait sexy ><, je suis du genre romantique (Seven Days); j&#039;aime bien aussi quand ya de l&#039;humour (Future Lovers, je l&#039;ai en anglais, ou les histoires d&#039;Isaku Natsume)

coucou a toi je suis venue te dire que je vous invite voir mon blog officiel wep pas mal d article a voir et si tu veux bien m&#039;ajouter en fan merci encore du soutien amicale

J&#039;aime bien ton image de fond totalement yaoi XD Puis ton pseudo &#039;shonen-ai&#039;.

J&#039;adore le yaoi. Mais le problиme c&#039;est que (comme le dis ce magnifique article) je ne suis pas tout le temps comprise donc quand je veux en lire, je vйrifie toujours qu&#039;il n&#039;y est personne autour. Des foi j&#039;ai mкme l&#039;impression de faire quelque chose d&#039;illйgale.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Japanese Comics With Gay Themes Attracting Young Female Readers


Japanese Comics With Gay Themes Attracting Young Female Readers

Hottest manga subgenre is guy-guy romance stories written for female audiences.

Here&#8217;s an unexpected turn of events: A lot of comic books these days are for girls &#8212; especially when they&#8217;re about boys in love with each other.

At the New York Comic-Con last month, the power of comics to bring in young female readers was in full force. That pull had nothing to do with superheroes and everything to do with manga, those small, thick digest comics that originally hail from Japan and these days dominate the graphic-novel bestseller list. Much of manga&#8217;s focus on relationships and the lives of young people &#8212; rather than men in tights &#8212; have brought girls to comics in a way that Superman and the X-Men never did.

At the convention, girls were all over the manga booths for companies like Tokyopop and Viz and more than happy to testify to their manga passion.

&#8220;Basically in every crack in my room you can find manga,&#8221; said college freshman Christine Rodriguez, 18, who came to the con with her 12-year-old sister, Danielle. The girls said they are avid readers of Tokyopop&#8217;s &#8220;Fruits Basket,&#8221; a long-running series about a girl who lives with people who can turn into animals, and Viz&#8217;s &#8220;Naruto,&#8221; an ongoing adventure about a boy in ninja school.

&#8220;I started getting into them more and more, and now I started a whole club in my school,&#8221; said Danielle.

&#8220;Yes, I tainted her,&#8221; added Christine.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It Came From Japan

It Came From Japan

What Is This Nonsense?

If you've browsed the manga section of your local bookstore, odds are you've pulled out a book that sported a flowery cover with soft pastel colors and a pair of attractive young men. They could be high school students, college slackers or businessmen; they might hold hands, snuggle or pose suggestively.


And if you flipped through the book, you might already have an idea of what yaoi is. For those of you who put it back on the shelf, yaoi is a popular subgenre of girls' manga that features men in romantic relationships with each other.

Confused? You're not alone. The media, men and marketers alike are all trying to make sense of the yaoi phenomenon, whose fans are so devoted that there are two yaoi conventions in the United States alone, and it seems like every Western manga publisher issues a few volumes of BL ("boys love") a year, unless, of course, they only publish yaoi.

The word "yaoi" (officially pronounced "yah-oh-ee," but actual pronunciation varies greatly) comes from a Japanese acronym for the phrase "yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi," which roughly translates to "no climax, no resolution, no meaning." The phrase wasn't necessarily coined only for male/male romance stories, but it eventually took on the meaning as the fandom evolved.

The word is mostly not used in Japan in favor of "BL," but English-speaking fans use the term as a catchall for BL works originating in or inspired by Japan. In fact, Western fans sometimes distinguish "yaoi" from what they call "shounen-ai," which translates literally to "boy-love." In Japan, it refers to a long-defunct manga subgenre that featured young boys, but English-speaking fans sometimes use "yaoi" for hardcore pornographic works and "shounen-ai" for non-explicit titles.

The exact development of yaoi is something of a mystery; Japan, in fact, has a long history of homosexuality in its art and literature. But sometime during the 1960s or '70s, fan-made comics featuring the men of popular manga series in romantic relationships with each other began appearing.

Not long after, artists began creating their own original yaoi manga, and in 1978, yaoi had its very first monthly manga anthology, titled June . Now a dozen or so yaoi publishers exist in Japan, and more than a handful in the U.S. license Japanese works or create their own.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ouran Hugn School Host Club

Ouran Hugn School Host Club

Ворчливо - "Яой, яой. Нету там никакого намека на яой. Хотя я не яойщица, не мне его там и выглядывать :)"

Типичные черты закрытой академии Оуран - высокое положение в обществе и богатство. У состоятельных людей много свободного времени. Следовательно, Клуб Свиданий Оуран - это красавчики, которые в свободное время принимают у себя барышень, развеивают их скуку согласно прейскуранта. Так развлекается великосветская молодежь этой элитной школы.

Ну это все лирика:) О сюжете говорить не буду - обзоров на эту вещь полно. Приступлю сразу к сладкому:)

1. Собственно, полный Состав Клуба Свиданий Оурана (на этот раз в косплее под эпоху Бакумацу).


2. Хани-семпай. Кодовое имя- "Малыш". Наикавайнейшее существо, обожающее своего уса-тян'а и тортики (и в то же время смертельно опасен).

3. Мори-семпай. Он же "Дикарь". Молчаливый спутник Хани. Минимум слов, максимальная эффективность действий.

4. Близцены Хираку/Каору (изображающие из себя так популярную в высшем женском обществе "братскую любовь, которая совсем не браткая"). Кодовое имя - Дьяволята :)

И самое лучшеее *на мой вкус, ессесно*:)

5. Глава клуба - Суо Тамаки. "Принц". Может очаровать любую девушку (но вот на "Лобелии" обломался). Милый, добрый, умный, красивый, очаровательный и т.п. Типичный пример положительного героя :)


6. Моя любофф :)))))))

Отори Кёя. Серый кардинал, вице-президент клуба. *и, какое совпадение, он в очках. ммм* Умен, проницателен, умеет анализировать ситуации и делать соответствующие выводы, хороший стратег, рассчетлив (делает только то, что приносит ему выгоду). Считает себя эгоистом (но кто ж будет слушать его мнение, а?).

Концовка приятная. Чем-то мне напомнила эпизод из "Д'артаньяна и 3-х мушкетеров" - когда все члены Клуба свиданий, одетые в соответствующие наряды, пытались догнать Тамаки. Подумала что хочу продолжения. Действительно - хочу.

И тут ни слова про Харухи (Харухи, Харухи. И тут Харухи :)). Но она ж девочка, что мне про нее писать. )

Current Mood: Happy Current Music: Ёлка - Горы (Снежинки)

Best Guys - Hot House maskurbate

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