Yaoi Movie

Monday, May 31, 2010

Code geass et son yaoi

Code geass et son yaoi


Par andjy, le 12.12.2011

Banality Familly

Publié le 11/08/2010 à 18:58 par code-geass-yaoi

Résumer :

Suzaku et Lelouch se son marier et on eu des enfant je ne s'est trop comment ,Un Jour Lulu un de leur enfant ,leur dit que la maitresse et contre es travesti ,Ils vont donc la voir pour passé un entretien ,mais celle ci semble beaucoup aprécier Suzaku et c'est insi que débute les problème tous aussi compliquer les un que les aute.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chie Kutsuwada interview

Chie Kutsuwada interview

3 Sep, 2014

Chie Kutsuwada talks to us about hER yaoi manga comics art (yaoi being a genre of manga focusing solely on boy-boy relationships). Whether you’re an aspiring mangaka or just enjoy looking at pictures of pretty boys making out… yaoi has something for everyone!

Chie Kutsuwada’s Profile:

Hometown: Saitama, Japan or North London

Birthday: 18th of March

Blood Type: B

Current favourite manga/artist: Mushishi, Bleach / Asumiko Nakamura, Yumiko Oshima, Fumiko Takano

Let’s start at the beginning (a very good place to start). Where did your interest in manga begin?

I don’t remember… I mean it was a long long time ago… As soon as I started reading I became a manga lover.

Have you drawn from a young age? I ate my first crayon aged two. It was Hot Magenta. What got you started?

Yes. Well, this is another question where I need to clear my old memories. I think I started drawing when I first gained enough power in my little baby hand to grip a pencil. Also, my parents are quite artistic people, so I watched my father drawing when I was a baby. Maybe that’s why!

Was it a conscious decision to become a professional and how did you progress from being a fan artist to a published one?

Actually, it was not that conscious but not coincidental either. After my graduation from an MA in Printmaking and while making fine art pieces, I was looking for a more suitable way for me to create and realise my ideas. At that time I started making some manga style drawings and fan art in my spare time and I really enjoyed it. One day, I talked with my friends about visiting the London MCM Expo but we finally thought it could be more interesting if we had a table, not just visited. So, we produced some manga style works for the event. I think that was the crucial moment. From that time on, I wanted to create more manga, joined more events and met a lot of people who led me to a more professional business.

In the UK a large number of people still look at comic art as being pretty inconsequential (fools!) but Japan has a more established comic art industry – what did your family think of your career decision?

They were happy, yes, more than happy. But believe it or not, when I was small, manga was banned by my father. It was a misunderstood art form once in Japan as well.

Tell us what, in your opinion, the term ‘Yaoi’ means.

Yaoi is a new style of love story and it’s a fantasy. To be really honest, if the concept is expressed nicely, it doesn’t matter if it’s a two-men-in-love kind of story or not. The most important concept of Yaoi is how a person loves someone unconditionally and stands by that love despite all the difficulties (so quite often in Yaoi stories, one of them or both of them are originally heterosexual).

Some of those girls who love Yaoi are too realistic to believe in “the prince on a white horse” so they (including me) sometimes have difficulty to dream away in the Shojo (girl’s comics) manga-style sugar-coated ‘boy meets girl’ stories. Also, because we know that in reality most of us go out with one of the ordinary boys anyway, get married and have some kids or whatever. this kind of life is – I wouldn’t say it’s boring, but there’s no fantasy about it. But even the most realistic girl needs some love fantasies to dream about. I think that’s Yaoi. Because they are two men who are another gender to us and we don’t know how they feel, etc, there is some space where girls can dream. And, hey, who doesn’t like two good-looking boys being friendly to each other?

What inspired you to become a Yaoi artist in particular, rather than staying within the more mainstream of the industry?

I’m one of the realistic girls, that’s why! And I just love drawing the male figure…!

And just to be cheeky – would you still remain focused on creating Yaoi if it ever became ‘mainstream’?

I’d love to. But most of the offers I’ve got so far are not Yaoi… So I try to keep to self-publishing more. I need more time.

Research shows that Yaoi manga is most widely read by women aged from mid-teens to late thirties. That seems a bit strange – why do you think it appeals to this group in particular?

Some mid-teenaged girls are still too afraid of mingling with real boys, so they start having some interest in Yaoi stories (in which boys are all sweet). Then, when you start working and get married, etc, you need some fantasy kicks to survive your life. I think age is not so important when reading Yaoi. It depends on how realistic you are. If you are very realistic but still need some fantasy to escape from reality sometimes, Yaoi is for you.

You must admit that sometimes Yaoi titles DO contain rather graphic (aka sexually explicit/violent) images. What’s your opinion on those who object to younger age groups having access to this sort of material?

I agree that it’s not a very good idea that younger age groups have access to this sort of material, but at the same time I think we girls deal with those kinds of things quite well. Anyway, in a bookshop it takes a lot of courage to buy some graphical Yaoi manga and at the events like the Comic Market in Japan you have to show your ID to buy them.

Now let us imagine, for a moment, Chie turned Yoda. What’s the best advice that you can give to aspiring Yaoi mangakas?

Hahahaha! Yaoi Yoda! I like it!


Well then, Yaoi Yoda says:

“Never forget that Yaoi is about love and MOE . not about two men getting naked, even if they are naked.”

MOE is a Japanese word. Its direct meaning is “sprout / put forth young shoots” but nowadays it’s also used for expressing a mixed feeling such as “having a fancy”, “getting excited”, “beating heart” and “feeling butterflies in your stomach” for something (character or/and situation).

Can you recommend any other Yaoi writers for us to check out?

It’s shame that a lot of good Yaoi comics haven’t been translated yet. But I feel Yugi Yamada’s works are classic and you can find them in English, I think. Also I love every single one of Asumiko Nakamura’s works. She does Yaoi and non-Yaoi, but both are just brilliant. and Sakae Kusam, her work is very intelligent and deep, but very sexy.

Finally, is there anything else that we should have asked you but in our ignorance failed to do so?

First of all, thank you for having me!

Well, let me introduce what I’m doing at the moment a little. I’m working on two non-Yaoi comics with a writer. One is about the love and life story of a 20-something woman from Hong Kong, called ‘Story of Lee’ and the other is about a Samurai, called ‘Hagakure!’ They are not Yaoi, but really enjoyable and if you just like looking at beautiful men, the latter is really recommended! They are published next year from some major publishers.

I am also trying to publish some original Yaoi comics and a fan art Yaoi comic! I’m not sure when I can do so, but check out my website for more information.

Yaoi Links

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

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Why should I Buy a World of Warcraft Account

The mesmerizing world of warcraft has proved to be the famous and widely played game throughout the globe, which allows you to compete with lethal odd creatures and lets you have a heroic persona. To play world of warcraft league, one has to have a world of warcraft account to start with. In real. [Read more]

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Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft has been caught as the best seller and widely played multi-player online role playing computer game amongst all. The over-flowing number of new users at its thrilling and exciting game hub confirms congeniality, substance and approval from the world game l. [Read more]

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Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft has been caught as the best seller and widely played multi-player online role playing computer game amongst all. The over-flowing number of new users at its thrilling and exciting game hub confirms congeniality, substance and approval from the world game l. [Read more]

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The reputation of World of warcraft has gone to another level and popularity of aion kinah is in the same queue. Players have to have game currency to compete and become the success player. But for those who have been deprived of actual knowledge of it How to make aion kinah, must know a fewer th. [Read more]

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Duping in wow gold and wow characters trading is prevailing as regular as it does in real world. In fact, 50% of buyers & sellers are always looking for some awesome ways to scam you. It may sound scary but that is a fact and none can deny. To avoid such swindle you should be very particular in w. [Read more]

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There was a time when rivalry is more likely to be observed in real world, but world of warcraft wow has revolutionized the whole phenomenon. Yes, with more than 10 million users all around the globe has stamped it with gold. It has become the widely played best seller multi-player role playing o. [Read more]

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It takes years of hard work and smart moves to reach to higher levels, gather classic armor and preparing all raids but little mistakes can lead you to permanent ban from Blizzard.Let me share those suicidal mistakes that people commonly commit and then cry for ages. But once gone, hard to recove. [Read more]

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Playing cards require quite a lot of skills, but world of warcraft is slightly different game. Even though it has captured a strong place for itself, popularity is increasing with a rapid fire and users from all over the world are signing up to world of warcraft, it still is easy to play game. Co. [Read more]

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World of warcraft which is commonly known as WOW, has been an astounding accomplishment throughout. There is something incredible about this game that has developed a strong bond between the game and people. The growing number of users confirms its credibility in the market and it still has a lon. [Read more]

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Aion Kinah making is one of the primary activities observed on World Wide Web. Kinah is currency for your world of warcraft gaming expenses that you need for buying things like stigma stones, equipment, and skill books etc. As you keep on conquering higher levels, your expenses keep on increasing. [Read more]

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The gripping kingdom of world of warcraft has got a huge fan following. It has become the widely played multi-player computer game in the history of computer games. There, players have a time of life by spending hours with lethal and disastrous monsters or heroic personalities.Diablo 3 is an upco. [Read more]

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If you are WOW player, you would second me on the notion that WOW accounts for gamers are the best possessions they might die for. They will like to do their best to protect them from any kind of theft, spamming or hacking because years of effort can go vain easily. Gamers are always caught up lo. [Read more]

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For all gamers, power leveling is one the appealing factors about wow accounts. Gamers wish no hard work but power-leveling their accounts in order to earn more points, more armor, more energy and upgraded status. In multi player games, player needs more energy to have a cover against high-level. [Read more]

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WoW Power leveling in online games is one of those factors that fascinate players most, but this is not for every other player playing online games but particularly about wow power leveling. Before going on what wow power leveling actually is, let us have some words on who can avail this. Power l. [Read more]

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Gold is the most flickering word of world of warcraft. From very start to the very end, every player gets a mouth-watering feeling for glittering gold. Players are always in search of more and more gold, places where they can grab bucket-full-of-gold in lesser time. For the love of wow gold makin. [Read more]

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World of warcraft is getting super popular in online activities. From a decade or half, it is absorbing more than half of online gaming market.World of Warcraft, in a relaxed way is known as WOW and it is listed under MMORPG. MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In th. [Read more]

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Blizzard entertainment has brought tremendous game on internet world. This world of warcraft game has been popular by its benchmarked name WOW. Incredibly designed WOW develops sturdy bond between the game and players. Players build up brawny relationship while playing, competing, winning, and lo. [Read more]

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World of warcraft has been a promising multi-player online role playing computer game so far. It is coming up with much more exciting ideas and themes, that if a player gets into boredom, it takes him back to the alley. Number s of new players are increasing each day, that makes this game more su. [Read more]

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World of warcrafthas proved to be a massively played multiplayer online role playing game. It is not solely developed to play and have fun, but it has become quite a money making business. The most epic way to earn a lot of money is via subscription. WOW Players want to have first hand informatio. [Read more]

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Due to widely spread likeness and craziness about world of warcraft game which is commonly known as WoW, overall trend towards gaming has changed. Now people of all ages are inclined towards multi-player interface game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The company and players both are making u. [Read more]

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Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or MMORPG has revolutionized the phenomenon of video gaming and has taken players all around the world by a storm. MMORPG is world fastest growing form of electronic game wherein players from all across the globe interact with each other within a vi. [Read more]

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If you have been playing the World of Warcraft, you know that WoW money makingis important to fully enjoy the game at higher levels. You may have bought numerouscheap wow characters and may feel addicted to the game, but somehow it becomes exciting only when your characters get richer and you ris. [Read more]

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If you are a fan of the World of Warfare game, you certainly do understand the excitement of wow power leveling. The higher you go, the more money you make. There are different WoW professions that your character can follow and for cheapest wow power leveling in some of the popular professions, y. [Read more]

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If you have been spending a lot of time trying to get to higher levels in WoW, looking for quests and completing them and are now feeling that you have had enough of it, it is time for you to buy WoW power leveling. Here are a few benefits that the WoW power leveling guide provides you with:TheEl. [Read more]

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If you have just about started to get the hang of WoW and need assistance in managing your WoW account and tips on how to buy WoW account and earn WoW gold, truth is, it might take years before you can actually reach a high level and are able to earn WoW gold. For starters, there are three ways t. [Read more]

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If you love playing WoW and want a high level character or cheap wow gold, the best way to go about it is by purchasing it. During the initial stage of the game, it is rather difficult to gain levels and make decent amount of WoW gold. Therefore, if you wish to avoid spending years to acquire a h. [Read more]

Diablo 3: This year's biggest console game

If you follow massively multiplayer online role playing games keenly and are quite familiar with all that is happening in the world of online games, you surely would be aware of the launch of Diablo 3, this year’s biggest console game that is already beginning to create a rage in the social media. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: The Future of Online Role Playing Games

When it comes to video games, online role playing games have certainly made their indelible mark in the world of virtual gaming. Replete with exciting quests, fascinating adventures, high quality graphics and lots of in-game rewards these games truly have all that it takes to engage users and pro. [Read more]

Diablo 3 Will "Make Sense" And Be "Really Fun" On Consoles

There has been a lot of buzz about Diablo 3 on the World Wide Web. The very fact that those who tried the trial version of this massively multiplayer online role playing game believe that it will outrun all other MMORPGS both in terms of popularity and sales is reason enough for players from all. [Read more]

MMORPG: The New Trend In Computer Gaming

One of the finest ways to get entertained these days is to play video games. The sphere of video games has been in constant revolution. Many new and spectacular changes are taking place on a regular basis. These make the games more exciting and interesting. With the introduction of massively mult. [Read more]

Guild War 2 Games Online - Choose Your Own Type

Are you a passionate video game lover? If yes, then you have got a number of excellent gaming options to play. Make sure you have a computer and a fast internet connection. Then it becomes very easy for you to play online games. You will have numerous gaming options to choose from. But massively. [Read more]

The Gold Of Guild Wars 2

Do you want to try your hands at massively multiplayer online role playing games? If yes, then why don’t you play the most sought after online video game, i.e. guild wars 2? Yes, Guild Wars 2 has been developed by ArenaNet. It is the latest version of the series guild wars. This particular versio. [Read more]

Online gaming plan inches ahead

If you compare traditional video games with online games, you will come across a number of differences. The differences are not only based on the structure of the game but also in features, looks and technologies. Professional and expert game planners are busy in making best online games to surpr. [Read more]

Play Diablo III By Going Long

Have you played all the traditional forms of video games? Want to try your hands at online role playing games? If yes, you have made right decision. There are a number of massively multiplayer online role playing games available in the market these days. One of the best aspects of mmorpg games is. [Read more]

Make Your Online Diablo 3 Items

Have you played a lot of video games, but never tried hands at Diablo 3? Well, do not worry! You are never late to start the game. Diablo 3 has so many exciting features and applications that you will love to explore it. Being the successor of Diablo 2, Diablo 3 has got enhanced graphics with stu. [Read more]

How to get warcraft in your social life?

World of warcraft is the leading massively multiplayer online role playing game gaining immense popularity over the years. It is such a gaming platform where millions of fans come and join the server to explore the virtual game. This particular online role playing game plays a vital role in the l. [Read more]

MMORPG Account Marketplace

MMORPG games are played throughout the world. The fantasy world of MMORPG games allow the players to assume the role of a particular character. It connects large number of players together in a game world. Players get fascinated by the game due to its various features like role-playing, continual. [Read more]

Diablo 3 is Amazon's most pre-ordered PC title ever

Man is a gaming animal.” Gaming has always been a fun not only for kids but for adults as well. Diablo 3 is an illusionary action based game by Blizzard Entertainment. The game broke several records and became the most pre-ordered PC game on Amazon and Blizzard. This is due to the interest of ma. [Read more]

Can Diablo 3 Live Up to the Hype?

Diablo 3 is an exciting action role play game. The game broke any records and became the most pre-ordered PC game on Amazon. Amazon is one of the best sites for pre-ordering games. The madness for Diablo 3 can be easily seen in people through pre-order sales records. Some of the credit also goes. [Read more]

World of Warcraft: Eye of the Storm

Games related to warcraft have always been loved by the world. World of Warcraft is one of the best war related game. This role playing game can be played by many players at a same time. Blizzard entertainment introduced the game in 2004 setting the game in fanciful warcraft cosmos. This world of. [Read more]

Learn The Basics Of Guild War 2 Gameplay

Role playing games have become a trend in the domain of online video games. Many kids and adults like to assume the role of their own choice through indulging in such games. They can become a ruler or a destroyer as well. Guild war 2 is an extremely played role playing game developed by ArenaNet. [Read more]

Playing with Diablo 3's paper dolls - and loving it

Now-a-days, role playing games are gaining heights in the domain of online video games. Kids and adults love spending their time through enactment of an avatar. Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo 3 is the most played role playing game with comparison to the others. The fantasy world of sanctuary con. [Read more]

Wow Accounts To Earn Money

Now-a-days, people are more attracted towards online games. It is because online games carry better features and applications over traditional and conventional games. Massively multiplayer online role playing games are gaining rapid popularity over the years. A good number of people feel fascinat. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: die will be less frustrating

Guild war 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from ArenaNet. Like all other online video games a player might feel frustrated while playing guild war 2 due to death of a character. The death of a character in a role playing game is usually portrayed principally. Reappearance of. [Read more]

Click-and-kill' simplicity doesn't ruin 'Diablo III

As per the reports, “Diablo III is the fastest-selling PC game in history, with 3.5 million copies sold in 24 hours after Blizzard’s May 15 release”. This action role playing game by Blizzard Entertainment has been able to capture millions of audience. The dark fantasy world of hack and slash, d. [Read more]

Diablo III' lives up to high expectations

People, who find it difficult to take out time from their daily routine to engage in leisure activities, switch on to video games. Video games are the best pastime for people who desire to experience the world of fantasy. Kids and adults both take optimum pleasure in playing video games. Blizzard. [Read more]

Diablo III becomes the fastest-selling PC game of all time

Released in May, 2012, Diablo III has gained tremendous success in short period of time. Diablo III, the third installment in the diablo series, is a role playing game that takes you on an adventure through the pits of hell. People have high expectations as the game includes lot of action and ext. [Read more]

Trade Wow Accounts To Earn Money

People who are interested in playing role playing games have enrolled themselves with WoW accounts. World of Warcraft is currently the most subscribed game of the world with over 10.2 million subscribers. With over 10.2 million subscribers, World of Warcraft holds Guinness world record for the mo. [Read more]

What WoW's story could learn from Diablo III

Two decades have passed since the destruction of the Worldstone, the ending of Diablo II:Lord of Destruction. Much of the story of Diablo 3 is based on the Archangel Tyrael. It has been confirmed and reported that at least one of the two remaining evils namely, Azmodan and Belial, are behind the. [Read more]

Buy Cheap Wow Account at Vbarrack

The mesmerizing world of Warcraft has come out to be as one of the most popular and widely played game across the globe that enable players to compete with different characters, creatures and let them have a heroic persona. But, in order to play wow league, you need to have a world of warcraft ac. [Read more]

Online Gaming Acknowledges That, Hey, You're Busy

Online gaming has become a popular pastime of children as well as youngsters. Nowadays, people are simply flocking to online gaming sites where they could play their favorite games. Online gaming sites have a lot to offer such as action games, cards, casino, war games, arcade games and other fasc. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: Is This the New WoW Killer?

With the upcoming release of Guild Wars 2, online games popularity has increased tremendously amongst youngsters.It can also be interpreted as a new beginning for Guild Wars! This MMORPG game whose life actually spanned from 2005 to 2007 has finally reborn in Guild Wars 2.Guild Wars originally in. [Read more]

Diablo 3 Was Originally Intended To Be An MMO

Keeping in mind that Blizzard has created MMO games out of one of its franchises, Blizzard might have considered an MMO based on either their Diablo or Starcraft franchise. The game was intended to be the Diablo version of World of Warcraft.This was also discussed in an interview with Runic Games. [Read more]

Have We Simply Outgrown the MMORPG?

MMORPG games, massively multiplayer online role playing games, allow players to play a game online by adopting himself into an avatar. A player is able to interact with all other players around the world while playing this game. MMORPGs can be easily distinguished from other role playing games as. [Read more]

The ins and outs of GW2 roleplay

Today, role playing games are overpowering all other genres of video games. There are number of online role playing games that people play. Guild Wars 2 is the most differentiated online role playing game. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by ArenaNet. The. [Read more]

5 Best Features of Diablo III

Diablo III, the popular online game has evolved tremendously in the market and has left its impression on the minds of people. Yes it has received mixed reviews, some love it and some are little confused.But, despite of how people feel about the game, below are the five exclusive features of Diab. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2 - Dynamic Events

Guild Wars 2 is sure to expand the gaming world with new established features. Going to be the revolutionary game in future times, Guild Wars 2 attracts many people with its 3D environment. Players will witness enhanced game play with new storyline. Learning about the key features of game, many p. [Read more]

World of Warcraft skills in the workplace

Role playing games have become a trend in the genre of gaming. Games like Diablo series, TERA, and World OF Warcraft are mostly played by players who expect adventure and thrill. With over 10.2 million subscribers, World of Warcraft holds Guinness world record for the most popular massively mult. [Read more]

World of Warcraft - What the Heck Is It?

World of Warcraft, world’s most subscribed MMORPG game with over 10.2 million subscribers, has been captivating much audience than any other online game. WoW allows the players to experience the world of fantasy by assuming the role of a particular character. Moreover, a player can interact to ot. [Read more]

Diablo 3 Basics

So you’re looking ahead to play Diablo 3, you might also have been searching for a brief guide to venture a thrilling game experience. Don’t worry, you search ends here. In this article you’ll be reading about the basic introduction of Diablo 3 before you get started even.Diablo 3 is completely a. [Read more]

WOW Accounts - The Best Way to Level Up!

The best part of World of Warcrafts is that, as an RGP it lets people to play their favorite legendary characters like elves, knights, priests, war lords.To win gold at a larger extent, the player advances 85 levels by going through each. In every level, your character finds various exciting and. [Read more]

Is Paying for Diablo3 gold worth it?


After the release of diablo 3, many role players are looking for free diablo 3 gold guide that describes how to earn a lot of gold to become successful in diablo. But the buying a Diablo 3 is really worth it. How?Well; there is a run for gold forest run. This means, that the idea to derive a lot. [Read more]

MMORPG: The New Trend in Computer Gaming

With the prompt rise in online gaming, MMORPG games have become an aspiration among the game enthusiasts. There are available both free as well as disbursed mmorpg games in the market.Even if you are a beginner, you can simply get started with top free mmorpg games. Mmorpg games take you to the w. [Read more]

Why do you still play WoW?

One of the most enthralling online games today in the world today is World of Warcraft. WoW is a unique MMORPG game because of the way it teaches online gamers to play in a team. Although, playing the game alone is possible, but in order to truly enjoy the game, it is best to hook up with other r. [Read more]

The Difference between Guild War and Other MMORPG

ArenaNet, the developers of Guild Wars 2 have elevated their online gaming platform to please their followers with upgraded gaming options. From the theme of the story, profound customization of your character along with five races to choose from including various professions, combat activities. [Read more]

Diablo 3 Leveling Guide

If you are looking forward to play Diablo3 then the diablo3 wizard leveling guide would help you a lot. This guide basically covers all the skills you require to play Diablo 3 power leveling! It offers thoughtful strategies to master the wizard class. The leveling guide is so complete that you ca. [Read more]

Is Guild Wars 2 the Most Hyped Game ever?

Guild Wars 2 is arriving - it has been years of development, and whilst it was first announced, the hype was implausible as well as fantastic. Everyone had the impression this would be the only game to stand a chance at overtaking World of Warcraft.The hype at the point of its announcement was ju. [Read more]

Diablo 3 is “a very different game” says original series creator

Regardless of the initial anticipation and eagerness for Diablo 3, issues have sometimes occurred since its release. David Brevik, the original series' creator, said that the third entry in the franchise is very different than the game he would have created.Original series creator has admitted ha. [Read more]

World of Warcraft Opening New Races to All

Have you heard of world of warcraft? Have you ever been into this fantasy world? Well, the World of Warcraft is a very popular online game, whose development can be segregated into three phases, The Warcraft1, Warcraft 2, and Warcraft3.It is no wrong to say that currently, Warcraft is the world's. [Read more]

The Difference between Guild War and Other MMORPG

MMORPG’s have left a bench mark on the online gaming market with the introduction of games like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Diablo, Mafia and so on. Mostly all the MMO games include the same guidelines. Players have to choose their roles and enact the storyline in an imaginary world. MMORPG ga. [Read more]

Why You Shouldn't Trade, Sell, or Buy Accounts in World of Warcraft

Selling of World of Warcraft gold has become very common these days and gamers are increasingly buying wow gold in order to avoid the efforts to earn wow gold. Players very well know that leveling one’s character needs a lot of patience and effort. But, many of them do not know that buying wow go. [Read more]

Top 5 Most Important Aspects of Your Game

So you have planned to plunge yourself into the world of online games, there are certain aspects you should keep in mind while making your game successful. When crafting your online games, make sure you introduce exciting features, interesting activities, quests and dungeons in order to make a h. [Read more]

Why Diablo III Will Be the Best Game Ever Made

Amongst all the MMORPG games, Diablo series is the best game series ever made. Although, there are some people who are crazy about World of Warcraft, Diablo still leads the online gaming industry due the majority of fans and players it has driven.Diablo- A Brief HistoryDiablo I, the game was deve. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2" destroys the competition

Guild War 2 destroys the competition on the first glance only as no other game can stand in front of this popular MMO game that has so much to offer to gamers. Let us have a look on the plethora of professions Guild War 2 offers:Ranger: This profession, amongst all others is the only one profes. [Read more]

What's the best way to deliver MMO lore?

MMO games have captivated the online gaming market and has more than 1 Million players today. If you are looking for fun, adventure, excitement, thriller and fantasy all together then look none other MMORPG games.Following article will explore the perfect ways to get the best of MMORPG. Even if. [Read more]

'Guild Wars 2' Review

It is not actually fair to say that Guild Wars 2 game has beaten the World of Warcraft. On the first glimpse, you can not actually figure out the difference. Guild Wars 2 actually looks similar to any other MMO and is also plays a lot like other MMORPGS. The first negative aspect of the game is t. [Read more]

New to World of Warcraft? Does not matter

Millions of players are enjoying the adventure in World of Warcraft. Undoubtedly the popularity is great and the demand for this game is unendingly rising. It does not really matter whether you are an experienced player or a new one, you will be amazed by the world of WOW and the excitement level. [Read more]

Time, space and Guild Wars 2

It is said that everything in the worlds takes place under time and space, even the online games today. MMORPG’s have become perfect for players who are fervent to play online games. The fans for big online games like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars have increased tremendously. But, undoubtedly. [Read more]

Making Gold in the Right Way with WOW

Similar to other MMORPG, there are tons of tricks and strategies to accumulate gold in Wow. Farming is the first choice for most of WoW players as it can be done to power leveling your character. It is great way of earning gold and with proper gear and perfect farming location choice, you can pro. [Read more]

What You Need To Know About 'World of Warcraft' That Analysts Are Ignoring

Even after 8 years of the development, the popularity of World of Warcraft is tremendous. Set on a realm called Azeroth, it was originally introduced on November 23, 2004. The game has millions of fans amongst all the MMORPG ever designed. There are various things you need to know while playing W. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2 rocks

Today, almost all online role-playing games are alike but Guild Wars is on4e such game that has tremendously changed the entire scenario of online gaming. Unlike other MMO games, this game is all about uniqueness and class. Apart from quests, killing monsters, points, rewards and power leveling. [Read more]

World of Warcraft Phenomenon

World of Warcraft is a widely played multi-player game across the world. It has gained success beyond anyone’s expectations. It has become an addiction for online players and has widened the audience for its genre in gaming. World of Warcraft has massively affected the online game industry in man. [Read more]

Diablo 3: Why it Took It So Long

Are you enthusiastic about playing Diablo3? Well, aside from the mythological creature, Diablo 3 was cast from heaven. It was introduced on the screens on December 31, 1996. That time, it had a resolution of 640×480 and everyone loved the pixel. Diablo is considered as a perspective scroller and. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: WOW May Have Met His Match

Are you a Guild War lover? Well; No doubt in saying that Guild Wars 2 has met almost 85% of the qualities to become a great MMO.Guild Wars 2: The GameplayIn Guild war2, character customization is an easy process. If you don’t have one, you will not last in the game. This game is not like Skyrim w. [Read more]

Diablo 3: Biting, Beating and Blacklisting the Hand That Feeds

Playing Diablo 3 is awesome. Now the game has emerged as one of the top favorite games for teens as well as for older generation. A real fun time is what Diablo 3 provides you. Players who were running Diablo 3 have found themselves actually the victims of betraying accusations and consequent ban. [Read more]

“We made the game that we would want to play as gamers”

Today, online gaming has become a highly common pastime among people. In the recent ages, though the kinds of online games have changed and become more comprehensive, they are indulging more people to play. Since after Blizzard has stepped into the online gaming industry, the meaning of gaming ha. [Read more]

Video Games: Obsession or Addiction?

Anyone who plays video games very well knows that video game addiction is actually real. Although online addiction has not yet been officially recognized as a diagnosable illness but still there is a evidence that people of all ages and especially teens are encountering severe consequences after. [Read more]

Intro to Guild Wars 2

Most of the MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) are alike but Guild Wars is a lot more different. The gameplay has a kind of unique entertainment you must not have experienced before. Unlike other big MMO games, Guild War 2 has a different class. Besides participating in que. [Read more]

Are Online Transactions Going To Be Safe In Diablo 3?

Do you need to choose life or death? Do you need an intelligent assassin to show you the way? Or, do you want to get lost, tired discouraged and die in the dangerous dungeons of Diablo 3? Well; you should not lose hope. There is always a light behind every darkness. The way is usually a way simpl. [Read more]

What We Want From a Diablo 3 Expansion

Diablo 3 is already popular but you can still expect some additional fun, excitement and adventure. You can expect to see something exclusive which is added for hardcore players. Well; the only distinction between hardcore and soft core is black and white respectively. Then, hardcore auction hous. [Read more]

Children motivated to be more active by online game

Our little kids are tomorrow's bright citizens hence, giving them the right advice and guidance is the duty of every elder. Whether you are a parent, an elder friend, relative or a sibling, you must teach children about the correct way of learning. Children usually start exploring things in their. [Read more]

That time I took part in a World of Warcraft Intervention

World of Warcraft is a well-known Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. In this popular gameplay, at any one time, thousands of players are live, playing with each. You can just sit on your desktop and enjoy a fine gaming experience over the internet. During the game, you can chat, fight. [Read more]

The Unique Dungeons of Guild Wars 2

What are the dungeons of Guild Wars?Dungeons are multi-players, copies of the exploration area. Wide locations with the massive variety of other regions to explore Tyria, warm dungeons are designed to provide an extremely advances team of expert players, be it a fixed team or a scrutinized one. T. [Read more]

WOW Gold Secrets - Making Gold through Hacking and Cheating

Since there is a process of making money by gold farming in World of Warcraft and selling it off to other gamers, several farmers have used a few "underground" ways to gather gold and sell it for real cash. To further facilitate this, hackers have come up for the game, with an objective of assist. [Read more]

Make a Living from Selling WOW Gold - Is it Possible?

Do you actually think you can make a living possible from selling off Wow Gold? Of course there are people who are doing perfectly well by selling off Gold in WOW. If you have visited any of WOW sites, you would find there is surely money in selling WOW gold. For people who have ever placed ite. [Read more]

New World of Warcraft Expansion Beginning

There is a latest expansion in World of Warcraft that is going to be introduced. Let us see what alterations have been there in new expansion to know what players can expect to achieve while playing this gameplay.WOW is coming up with a new expansion called Cataclysm. It's basically the third ex. [Read more]

Diverse World of MMORPG

Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) involves a large number of players interrelated within a virtual world of games. These games are played in such a way that all the players think of a character and take charge over most of its actions. Online MMORPGs are played for ho. [Read more]

Torchlight 2 vs. Diablo 3

Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3, both games have many differences despite having a similar genre and theme. Diablo 3 is, however, more popular among the gamers. Here's a brief comparison of both MMORPG games:Storyline: The Diablo storyline is more complex than the Torchlight storyline.Graphi. [Read more]

WOW Accounts - The Biggest & the Best

The best part of World of Warcrafts is that, as an MMORGP game it lets people to play their favorite legendary characters like elves, knights, priests, war lords. To win gold at a larger extent, the player advances 85 levels by going through each. In every level, your character finds various ex. [Read more]

Gamer's Father Hired Online Assassins To Kill Son's World Of Warcraft Avatar

Xaio Feng, a 24 year old Chinese gamer, once noticed that his opponents were unusually becoming stronger and solely targeting his avatar for quite a while. He kept on changing his gaming character but was attacked over and over again. He finally had to surrender to his enemy forces, conceded his. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2 Gold: In-game Leveling and Economy

The best way to level up in GW2 is by using GW gold. There are several places throughout the internet when you need to buy guild wars 2 gold. But among all of them, it’s really puzzling to choose the right place to buy Guild War 2 accounts, characters and items. Of course, we always trust on big. [Read more]

Diablo III Demon Hunter Facts

In Diablo 3, the Demon Hunter merges elements of the game’s previous versions of amazon and assassin classes. They use crossbows as their most important weapon and can also pelt small bombs at enemies. The demon hunter is powered by both discipline and hatred. Hatred is a fast and rejuvenating. [Read more]

Motivation to play Diablo 3

Listing out your leisure activities? Your list may probably contain reading, music, partying, eating out, visiting a relative and the list goes on and on. You can choose many interesting ways to spend your spare time but there is another fascinating activity in which you once indulge, you don’t w. [Read more]

Are all Online MMORPG Games Safe to play?

MMORPG is the abbreviation of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games in which the player virtually plays, cooperates and interacts with numerous other players worldwide at the same time. These MMORPG online games can be continued even if a player is not even playing the game. Usually, MM. [Read more]

The Rise of MMORPGs

Gamers who fancy playing MMORPG online games pick synchronized challenges and scenario populated by thousands of or maybe millions of players all together. A lot of MMORPG online games have formed online communities that promote ‘socializing’ within the game without showing the player’s identity. [Read more]

Features that should return to World of Warcraft

This is something really obvious that if a game (more specifically MMORPG game) advances to a new expansion, there are some new additions in it; however, there will be some stuff in the game which will no more exist in the newer version. The game transforms into a development and also brings a wh. [Read more]

How amazing is Diablo 3 now?

There have been rumors suggesting that Diablo 3’s popularity has slashed recently. In this article we discuss whether these rumors are true or this game should still be played at a higher note. The game has taken long time to go forward and change from previous versions and hence became one of t. [Read more]

Moving ahead of traditional gaming

What makes MMORPGs different from traditional games is that they involve a large number of players interacting with each other within one game. There’s so much to do in the world of online role-play games. When it comes to role-playing, most MMORPG games offer various kinds of player classes eac. [Read more]

Buy WoW Gold

The process that involves buying wow gold is based on exchanging the real-life money with in-game currency. However, this mode of transaction isn’t appreciated by game developers Blizzard which can result in the termination of your account for 72 hours. So should you still buy wow gold? The answe. [Read more]

Why Players Still Enjoy World of Warcraft?

It’s been like almost a decade since World of Warcraft launched in the year 2004 but despite that, millions of players all around the world who regularly play WoW, haven’t been bored enough to give up playing this engaging MMORPG. So what lures these gamers? Other than being a professional, can. [Read more]

RuneScape as Pioneer of All MMORPG

Released in 2001, RuneScape was given a great reception by gamers since there were no free MMORPGs. That made RuneScape hugely popular and become one of the best within a very short time span. The game became the first of its kind and became an impression to another MMORPG success like Blizzard's. [Read more]

Video Game Addiction

A person deeply obsessed with playing video games is said to have an addiction with them. How much impact can it have on someone’s life? Is every gamer an addict? There are several points which can be taken into consideration to find about this form of psychological compulsion. Some say that it i. [Read more]

Can World of Warcraft be played on a XBOX or PlayStation console?

There’s been a long discussion on the matter whether Blizzard should move ahead and launch an xbox or PS version of their MMORPGs Diablo or World of Warcrafts. In 2010, the games’ developers announced that they will not launch World of Warcraft on the gaming consoles attracting an outsized audien. [Read more]

The Legend of Diablo

The Lord of Terror Al’Diablos also known as Diablo is the most terrifying prime evil. His power is in his ability to put fright inside the souls of all that live. Anyone who decides to buy Diablo 3 accounts must know that Al’Diablos is the main antagonist to go up against. The intensity of Diab. [Read more]

All about RuneScape rare items

PC gaming has become very advanced and it is drawing massive numbers of people towards itself like never before. The worth mentioning reason for this are the games that can engage hundreds of people at the same time where they can play together. These games are called massively multiplayer online. [Read more]

Why Diablo III Is One of the Best Game Ever Made

There have been rumours suggesting that Diablo 3’s popularity has slashed recently. In this article we discuss whether these rumours are true or this game should still be played at a higher note. Diablo 3 is still worth playing, continue reading to know more. The game has taken long time to go f. [Read more]

Online Gaming: A Positive & Enjoyable Pastime!

Almost every youngster enjoys thrilling and exciting online gaming. These games consume a lot of time and their ardent players do their very best to reach optimum high-scores or to compete against their opponents especially with MMORPG games. Some researchers say that many aggressive video games. [Read more]

MMORPG Games Can Provide Hours of Entertainment

Massively multiplayer online role player game is what is abbreviated as MMORPG. These games are typically based on fantasy and role-play as the name suggests. You can make your own character with special qualities and join the positive or the negative faction in the MMORPG game that you want to p. [Read more]

Types of Runescape Armor

Armor in Runescape refers to the special items which can be stocked and used to provide defense and some bonuses during combats which decrease a player's risk of being beaten and also contribute in increasing their life-points as much as possible. There are several types of Armor in Runescape, w. [Read more]

The Loots Items in World of Warcraft

Loots actually mean to stuff important in-game items such as cash, items, or cloth a player earns from mobs or containers such as barrels, boxes or chests etc. During the game, when a player slays a mob, it glitters, highlighting that it can be looted. All you need to do is to simply ‘right click. [Read more]

Does online Gaming Breeds Violence?

Research has been done over the sensitive issue of whether video games lead youngsters or adults to violence or not. Various studies have given divergent results but a solution to this problem has not been found yet. According to the recent study released, 58% adults that play video games are dir. [Read more]

The basic characteristics of MMORPGs

MMORPGs are a genre of the online role-playing games. They have been spreading their magic all around the globe and have taken under their spell millions of people. Huge groups of teens and adults are just crazy about one MMORPG or the other because they provide a platform for a huge number of pl. [Read more]

Tips to make gold easily in Guild Wars 2

Making gold in Guild wars 2 is not as difficult as players think it is. Players can go from rags to riches by following just a few simple steps. You might be aware of how demand and supply works in the real economy? Similarly, the in game economy is also simply demand and supply. You are provided. [Read more]

League of Legends Innovations

In recent times, League of Legends has gained a lot of popularity. New innovations are coming up in this game. Now in the League of Legends, when you begin to play the game there is a rank queue that provides the option of one selecting the role they you would like to play. You have to select the. [Read more]

Play league of legends considering some Imperative Points

The era of massively multiplayer online role-playing games has opened doors to a unique world of fantasy where anyone can possess strength and magical powers and be a supernatural being. MMORPGs have taken people to the highest level of online gaming. Many MMORPGs have been thrown in the market b. [Read more]

World of Warcraft: The Warlocks

Among the many of the many wow characters for sale online, some belong to the warlock class. Some warlocks as the orcs used to be shaman and others were formerly arcanists. You must know about such class of characters before buying wow accounts. They used to be students of nature or arcane magic. [Read more]

League of Legends: Aatrox

In the League of Legends Aatrox is among the warriors considered to be renowned as he is one of the only five survivors of the ancient Darkin race. He is hypnotic in the way he wields his huge blade killing legions in which he shows great elegance and character. His blade is alive and drinks the. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: Controls and Virtues

Key Binding After you buy a guild wars 2 account and gain familiarity with the game as an online player you should try to do a little experimentation with the key bindings. Many players never really use default bindings that’s why they do not notice the differences. In Guild Wars 2, the default. [Read more]

Guild Wars 2: The Charr Race

Guild Wars 2 accounts are available for sale online. Before you become a part of this online world of demonic tales you must make sure and understand all the options available to you. In Guild Wars 2 there is playable race known as the Charr. They by nature are fighters who were mainly located in. [Read more]

Introduction to League of Legends

League of Legends is a fascinating game that has captured the hearts and minds of gamers the world over. One can easily buy cheap League of Legends accounts and begin to play this fantasy game of thrill and excitement. The most fun part comes when a player reaches the 30th level. This is the time. [Read more]

League of Legends Champion Lucian: Maximizing Potential

League of Legends is one of the most popular and successful online multiplayer game. One can easily buy League of Legends accounts that are available for sale online. Many characters are introduced into the game and one of them is Lucian. Lucian is a trained professional assassin and in the right. [Read more]

Diablo 3: The Crusader Defined

You must be completely informed of the various characters classes prior to your making a decision of purchasing Diablo 3 accounts. Among such playable characters that can represent you as Diablo 3 account holder is the Crusader. The Crusader is a tough and creative warrior that can be distinguish. [Read more]

World of Warcraft: The Legend of Gul’dan’s Skull

Once you buy a world of war craft account you will be immersed in a fantasy adventure that is filled of tales of mystical and magical endeavors. Among some of the many lore’s and tales is the story behind the Skull of Gul’dan. After you and your friends buy wow accounts online you will learn tha. [Read more]

Guild Wars: The Ability of Thieves

If you are interested in online gaming then you should buy a Guild Wars 2 account. In this game you will experience and encounter various characters, one of them being the thieves. Thieves are masters of the arts of shadows. They are able to stealth fully use shadow foot steps to approach their v. [Read more]

World of Wracraft: The Druid

If you want to become an online gamer then a decision to buy World of Warcraft account is the best choice you can make. You must be introduced to one the most famous class of characters in this game the Druid Class. The Druid Defined On buying WOW accounts online you will understand that the Dr. [Read more]

Buy FIFA 15 coins for ultimate team players

FIFA 15 is one of the most popular games out there and it is understandable given how enjoyable that the game is. The graphics are immense and very realistic and it coincides with the new Premier League season which is just about to start. You can buy coins for FIFA 15 forPS3which allows you to. [Read more]

Coins will make you a better champion

A true gamer likes to not only unlock all of a games secrets but they also like to obtain all the characters, players, or stars in a game. When it comes to games like FIFA 15 where you want to build the ultimate team in order to take on players from around the world, it can take time to do so. Yo. [Read more]

FIFA 15 Coins - Struggling to Get a Lot?

FIFA 15 is one of the best football games on the market and previous versions have blew customer anticipations out of the water – we all know that the only way to improve your squad and dominate the competition is to build up your coins and purchase new players. This sub-game is also often referr. [Read more]

FIFA 15 Coins - Struggling to Get a Lot?

FIFA 15 is one of the best football games on the market and previous versions have blew customer anticipations out of the water – we all know that the only way to improve your squad and dominate the competition is to build up your coins and purchase new players. This sub-game is also often referr. [Read more]

Finding Good WoW Accounts for Sale

World of Warcraft has been available for years now providing entertainment to millions of gamers. But, if you are one of the few that didn't try it and now you have decided you should play, you might find it a little difficult to begin the game with so many more people ahead of you. Instead of ta. [Read more]

Buy FIFA 15 coins

The game of FIFA is probably one of the best games out there, it appeals to a large variety of audiences and it certainly is not restricted to males and young lads, with female gamers getting in on the act as well. It is fair to say that to enjoy the game as much as possible you need to buy FIFA. [Read more]

Do you need a new account?

When it comes to playing massively multiplayer online role playing games, nobody does it best then the player that is willing to dedicate themselves to it. This means that at times the character you have built up will not be the right one to get the job done in the game you are playing, or the ch. [Read more]

Buy Cheap FIFA 15 coins

FIFA 15 ps4 is perhaps one of the best games out there. With really good game play and some realistic graphics, this game is one of the most enjoyable to play without doubt and is very well renowned in the gaming field, easily being in the top ten most popular games. It can be played by anyone, e. [Read more]

Get a Decent WoW Character without Wasting Time

The most precious resource you have in your life is time. It’s more valuable than money since it’s non-renewable. When it comes to games like World of Warcraft, it’s important to keep this in mind. Here is a way to save time and still have a lot of fun with the game. Buy an Account Believe. [Read more]

How FIFA 15 Uses Online Currency

FIFA 15 has been one of the biggest sports related game releases of the year. With the excitement of the World Cup finally drawing down to a close, many people are looking to get their next soccer fix. Well if you are looking for more soccer action then you are in luck. FIFA 15 has so many unique. [Read more]

Wow accounts for sale

WOW or World of Warcraft is one of the best possible games to play and is enjoyed by many people across the globe as it is a very enjoyable activity to do in one's spare time and it can help to offset any stress from your daily life. Essentially, one of the best things that you can do is to. [Read more]

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Friday, May 14, 2010

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brokeback comics craze

Brokeback comics craze

Picture this: a cozy bedroom of a ski chalet in northern Japan, where two lithe men make passionate love to each other. Asuka's lean body is damp with moisture, his face is twisted in ecstasy. Saliva drips from his lover's parted lips as he breathes heavily.

Gay porn? Almost. Yaoi? Absolutely. Yaoi, the acronym for the Japanese phrase " Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi " ("no peak, no plot, no meaning") is a genre of comic from Japan that has slowly captured the minds of women all over the United States. Commonly referred to as yaoi or "boys love," these comics feature romantic relationships between two beautiful men and are created "for women by women," meaning they are written, illustrated and read by women.

"The genre's got a huge and diverse audience in here," says Jeff Ayers. store manager of Forbidden Planet, a comics store in New York. "It's attracted a ton of dedicated readers whose appetites I've found increasingly difficult to sate."

Those new to the genre are often confused by the concept of two men in a passionate relationship getting the attention of women. The best way to understand yaoi's appeal is to think of it as Brokeback comics - like the movie "Brokeback Mountain." While viewers may have found the first sex scene between the cowboys played by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal shocking, the emotional bond between the two draws the viewer into the story line and normalizes the sexual aspect of it. Similarly, yaoi comics focus as much on the relationship between two people as they do on the sex.

Just last year, yaoi was gaining a foothold in the American graphic novel market and growing. The erotic images and romantic stories were finding their way into retail chains like Borders, traditional comics shops and Amazon.com. But with Borders' financial troubles and publishers meeting reader demand for sexier boys in steamier situations, the yaoi market may go back online and back underground, where it began.

Unlike its popular big sister, manga (Japanese comics), yaoi has never actually been big. Last year, yaoi accounted for $6 million within the $210 million domestic manga market, as estimated by Kuo-Yu Liang, vice president of sales and marketing at Diamond Book Distributors. The company is the United States' biggest comics and graphic novels distributor and distributes yaoi to major book retailers like Borders and Waldenbooks as well as Books-a-Million, a chain of bookstores in Bible Belt America that has been a consistent supporter of yaoi.

Yaoi had a fan base in the United States as early as 2001, when the first yaoi fan convention, Yaoicon, took place in San Francisco. From there, the growing popularity of manga intersected with yaoi as publishers began exploring the various genres within manga, and experimented with bringing it to the United States. Knowledge of the genre also spread by word of mouth - in the form of online shouts and whispers - and manga publishers responded. Yaoi imprints sprung up to feed fans with story lines about angsty teen boys falling in love with schoolmates and hunky co-workers who secretly lusted after each other. Small, yaoi-only publishers also emerged, serving up the more erotic and pornographic fare that is increasingly in demand.

"Yaoi allows for a kind of enjoyment - visual stimulation without the self-examination," says Tina Anderson. a writer whose yaoi is published in the United States and Germany. "It allows you to distance yourself from the fantasy." What Anderson touches on is the way heterosexual sex in entertainment caters to the male point of view. A common complaint among high school manga and yaoi readers is that male-female sex shows the woman and little of the man. Yaoi, on the other hand, shows the man, and as one 15-year-old remarked, "It shows everything."

But the popularity of yaoi and the demand for pornographic man-on-man love has brought the industry to a crisis. Publishers polybag and label their books (some even put boilerplates inside their flaps, stating that all characters depicted within are 19 or older), but no amount of shrink-wrap can protect them from the content itself - or the resistance of the large chain bookstores to carrying it.

"Everything in print is available and orderable for our customers," says Jim Killen. graphic novels buyer at Barnes & Noble. B&N carries mature fare like Preacher and From Hell but doesn't stock everything its Web site does. But there is a certain line that the retail chain refuses to cross.


"While we do embrace a move toward content more mature in theme aimed at a more adult audience, we do not shelve those manga featuring gratuitous explicit/graphic sex and/or sexual violence."

It's the natural progression for business to expand, then contract, then expand some more - or just die out.

"Yaoi doesn't have to take over the world," Anderson says. "In Japan, (yaoi) is niche. Manga is big, but boys love is just an aspect of it. We don't need the whole world into yaoi."

Yaoi won't die, but the category has carved an interesting niche out for itself. The books are popular and sell well. Comics shops and even some branches of the Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya have devoted sections to yaoi. But the mainstreaming of yaoi has come to a halt. As Borders suffers, don't expect Barnes & Noble to pick up the slack, given its track record of shying away from explicit material.

"With the chains dropping the yaoi ball," Ayers says, "it's any savvy manga retailer's chance to shine."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brain Pickings

Brain Pickings


Yayoi Kusama, Japan’s Most Celebrated Contemporary Artist, Illustrates Alice in Wonderland

Down the rabbit hole in colorful dots, twisted typography, and strange eye conditions.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass endure as some of history’s most beloved children’s storytelling, full of timeless philosophy for grown-ups and inspiration for computing pioneers. The illustrations that have accompanied Lewis Carroll’s classics over the ages have become iconic in their own right, from Leonard Weisgard’s stunning artwork for the first color edition of the book to Salvador Dali’s little-known but breathtaking version. Now, from Penguin UK and Yayoi Kusama. Japan’s most celebrated contemporary artist, comes a striking contender for the most visually captivating take on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland yet.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boys Love /yaoi manga and novels recommendations for July 2014

Boys Love /yaoi manga and novels recommendations for July 2014


Boys Love manga and novels for July 2014

Sandra from JapanReviewer features a series of boys love manga or manhwa from South Korea in her articles that are true jewels to be discovered, however, not all are exactly yaoi stories but rather shonen-ai. However, there is a growing diversity in the narrative and subjects at hand:

Tamer titles like Boy Princess by Seyoung Kim are aimed at ages 13+, Roureville by E. Hae is aimed at ages 16+ while Let Dai by Sooyeon Won is aimed at age 16+ as well. In stark contrast, U Don’t Know Me by Rakun has a Parental Advisory notice and is aimed at those readers who are 18 or over. And it’s not hard to see why when there are intense sex scenes and nudity in places.

You can read more on her article here. I’m really curious about Boy Princess and Roureville:

Titles like Boy Princess, Let Dai, and Totally Captivated don’t show the sex scenes normally associated with yaoi rather than shonen ai. Instead they use romance, storytelling and the possibility the lovers in the manga might be separated to create some conflict. In Seyoung Kim’s Boy Princess, Nicole, a boy is sent to a a neighbouring kingdom to pose as a girl princess to marry their prince and in turn unite the two kingdoms to prevent war. Instead Nicole has an accident with some apples that convince Prince Jed that he is not a princess. What he doesn’t expect is him falling in love with the young man. In the manga, you will only find partial nudity, mild sexuality and romantic situations that serve to bring the couple closer together.

Meanwhile, Sandra also recommends in Rainbow Book Reviews  the On the Run anthology series, tales of love and lust between the pursuer and the pursued, set in the 1940’s.

Lately I recommend the Cut & Run series by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux, a story about Special Agent Ty Grady and Special Agent Zane Garrett, two FBI agents who were partnered by their sadistic boss precisely upon their seemingly irreconciliable differences.

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