Yaoi Movie

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yaoi animation which depicts romances between attractive males is a phenomenon in Japan and has a growing U S audience

Yaoi animation, which depicts romances between attractive males, is a phenomenon in Japan and has a growing U.S. audience.

After capturing a deranged bomber, a pair of New York City police detectives share a passionate kiss. A group of teenage girls agree that "one of the seven strangest things" about their high school is that the handsome soccer star and his inseparable pal don't have girlfriends. Two half brothers, the sons of a yakuza boss, compete for the affection of a former kendo champion.

Welcome to the curious world of yaoi: manga (graphic novels), doujinshi (amateur comics), animated films and prose depicting romances between beautiful young men -- created by women and aimed at female audiences. The phenomenon originated in Japan in the late '70s but is gradually catching on in the U.S.

* The Anime Expo taking place this weekend in Anaheim will offer a panel on yaoi fandom -- and plenty of related merchandise; the annual Yaoi-Con will be held in San Francisco at the end of October.

* Translations of yaoi manga regularly appear at the top of the BookScan rankings of graphic novels, and the new imprint "Be Beautiful" ("Romantic graphic novels by women -- for women") launches in August with two yaoi titles.

For The Record

Los Angeles Times Friday July 02, 2004 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 60 words Type of Material: Correction

Animation -- A caption in the index of Wednesday's Calendar section incorrectly identified an image from "Cardcaptor Sakura" as "a popular yaoi manga about young male lovers." Yaoi manga are graphic novels that depict romance between young men. The image was actually taken from the animated version of "Sakura," and the story is primarily about a female character's magical adventures.

* EBay and the big Japanese auction sites Mandarake and Rinkya list hundreds of yaoi items.

"It's definitely growing in the U.S. When we ask fans what type of titles they're interested in having us bring over, yaoi titles are always at the top of the list," says Jake Forbes, an editor at Los Angeles-based publisher and distributor Tokyopop. "We knew there'd be demand, but we didn't realize how widespread it would be until we put out the mangas 'Fake' and 'Gravitation.' 'Robotech' got a lot of people into anime back in the '80s; these titles have made it into a huge underground phenomenon."

"The term 'yaoi' comes from the phrase 'YAma-nashi, Ochi-nashi, Imi-nashi' -- no climax, no punch line, no meaning," explains Frederik Schodt, the author of "Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga." "It was originally applied to doujinshi by women artists who had a playful approach to storytelling. Many of their comics featured young males falling in love with each other."

Gender-bending entertainments have been popular in Japan for centuries. In Kabuki, female characters are portrayed by onagata, male actors who specialize in feminine roles. The Takarazuka Revue mounts elaborate spectacles with young women playing all the parts, and the women who star in male roles boast huge fan clubs.

Some yaoi manga and animation stories only hint at an attraction between characters and some are blatant pornography. In "Cardcaptor Sakura," a popular manga and animated program, Toya, the title character's athletic older brother, gives up his magic powers to preserve the life of his companion, Yukito. But almost no physical contact occurs between them. Special agent Tsuzuki and his emerald-eyed partner, Hisoka, embrace only once in the anime "Descendants of Darkness," but the gay subtext is palpable. By contrast, "My Sexual Harassment" depicts the rise of a young executive who prostitutes himself to his corporate superiors. The feeble plot is there just to provide a link to the animated sex scenes.

Most yaoi stories offer a vision of romance that emphasizes patience, gentleness and emotional commitment. The story lines include:

* Macho, bisexual New York City police detective Dee Laytner immediately falls for his new partner, half-Japanese Randy "Ryo" McLaine in Sanami Matoh's manga "Fake." For most of the seven volumes (and the animated feature), Dee gets only an occasional kiss from Ryo, who is unsure of his sexuality.

* Aspiring rock vocalist Shuichi Shendo meets novelist Eiri Yuki and is immediately smitten with him in "Gravitation" by Maki Murakami. The purity of Shuichi's affection puzzles the antisocial writer: "I don't get you. A lot of people have tried to claim me for themselves. Truth is, what they thought they wanted wasn't really me." Both characters consider themselves heterosexual, yet they initiate a lively physical relationship early in the manga and the animated series, which recently debuted here on DVD.

Dee and Ryo are portrayed as strong-willed, capable adults. In "Gravitation," Eiri is an older, dominant figure; Shuichi is younger, physically smaller and more vulnerable. April Gutierrez, a spokeswoman for Yaoi-Con, notes, "Shuichi is definitely the high school girl analog. People who don't like 'Gravitation' think he's too much like a girl."


Mike Kiley, an executive with Tokyopop, adds, " 'Gravitation' appeals to a slightly younger crowd than 'Fake,' but a crowd that is really responding to the whole yaoi phenomenon."

Friday, July 18, 2014

21 Septembre 2011

21 septembre 2011

No.6 - Mangas & Romans

No.6 est disponible aux Editions du Rocher. mais pour une solution plus temporaire, ou un avant-goût, voici les liens vers


- No.6 en manga (4 chapitres à ce jour) en anglais sur MangaReader Le manga est plus développé que l’anime, et le graphisme clair et agréable.

- No.6 traduit en anglais du mandarin (10 chapitres à ce jour) sur Nostalgie sur la 9me avenue Les traductions sont bonnes, sans fautes, fluides et sensibles.

N'hésitez pas à remercier 9ave, qui a gentiment donné sa permission, et la team pour leurs traductions !

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



Titre : Sex Pistols (/ Love pistols)

Staff :

DVD rip : Meji

Traduction : Rakurara, Yumeless

Correction : Loa, Miharu

Time : Yumeless, Hanabira


Karaoke : HeLee, Yumeless

Edition & Enco : Yumeless, Compilor

Résumé :

Résumé de l'histoire avant les oav :

Norio vient d’échapper de peu à la mort, allongé sur son lit d’hôpital, il pense s’en être définitivement sorti, mais… Dès son retour au lycée, ce jeune garçon banal voit sa côte de popularité, monter en flèche, sans explications. Et ce, autant chez les filles. que chez les garçons. Pourquoi. C’est ce que Norio va bientôt découvrir aux côtés de Kunimasa Madarame.

À partir des oav :

Voilà Norio plongé dans le monde des thériantropes, dont il fait maintenant partie. Alors que les humains ordinaires descendent des singes, une petite partie de la population déscend d'autres animaux, on les appelle des thériantropes (voir le bonus dans "téléchargement").

Afin d'apprendre à cacher sa forme animale, qui apparaît intempestivement lorsqu'il se trouve sous le coup d'émotions fortes, Norio et son petit ami Kunimasa, requièrent l'aide du frère de ce dernier. Yonekuni Madarame.

Encore une personne bien spéciale puisqu'il a une sainte horreur des hommes, ce qui ne va pas sans poser quelques difficultés. Mais étrangement Yonekuni a dans son cercle d'amis proches, un autre homme. Shiro. Ce jeune homme n'est-il qu'un ami en apparence, pour donner le change, ou bien réellement le seul qui ne le dégoute pas, voire l'attire.

Téléchargement :


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gakuen Heaven

Gakuen Heaven

Gakuen Heaven (学園 ヘヴン, Gakuen Heaven littéralement « Ciel Académie ») est une franchise qui est basé sur le jeu pour PC Gakuen Heaven: Boy’s Love Scramble . publié à l’origine par la société SPRAY.

La franchise regroupe trois autres jeux pour Playstation 2 ( Gakuen Heaven . Gakuen Heaven: Type B et Gakuen Heaven: Okawari ), 5 CD Drama, un manga yaoi soft de You Higuri (3 one-shot) et un dessin animé Gakuen Heaven: Boy’s Love Hyper de 13 épisodes.

Bref résumé de l’histoire

Un jour, Keita Ito, un garçon sans talent particulier (à part sa chance phénoménale), reçoit la lettre platinium de l’Académie Liberty Bell et se retrouve intégré dans le prestigieux lycée qui n’accepte que l’élite japonaise. Les activités proposées sont les sciences, la littérature, la peinture, la musique, le sport (tennis, le tir à l’arc, le vélo), etc…

Il devra trouver un moyen de montrer qu’il mérite de rester dans ce lycée et devra faire face à ses sentiments.

Les personnages

Ito Keita (1 re année) : héros de la série, timide et très chanceux.

Niwa Tetsuya (3 e année) : président du conseil des étudiants, il est surnommé « sa majesté ».

Saionji Kaoru (2 e année) : personnage très efféminé de la trésorerie.

Endo Kazuki (1 re année) : meilleur ami de Keita, il disparaît souvent pour une mystérieuse raison.

Nakajima Hideaki (3 e année) : vice-président du conseil et très doué en informatique.

Shichijou Omi (2 e année) : également très doué en informatique, il est le meilleur ami de Kaoru.

Naruse Yukihiko (2 e année) : capitaine de l’équipe de tennis, il ferait tout pour avoir un rencard avec Keita qu’il appelle « honey ».

Shinomiya Kouji (3 e année) : président du dortoir, il est aussi très doué en cuisine et au tir à l’arc.

Iwai Takuto (3 e année) : très doué en dessin, ce garçon aux cheveux gris semble toujours triste.

Taki Shunsuke (2 e année) : un des personnages les plus amusants de la série, très doué en cyclisme. Il admire Niwa.


Umino Satoshi (professeur) : le plus court de tous les personnages principaux, il est pourtant le plus âgé. Il est professeur de Biologie.

Ozawa Kakeru (1 re année) : 1 er des jumeaux.

Ozawa Wataru (1 re année) : 2 e des jumeaux, ils cherchent à faire partir Keita. On les différencie par leurs cheveux qui cache l’œil droit ou gauche selon le jumeau. Ils sont très doués au tennis (en double).

Matsuoka Jin (infirmier) : il est un peu le mentor de Kazuki.

Yoshizumi Hiroya : meilleur ami de Jin, il a contracté le virus X7.

Toono-sama (chat) : le chat de Umino. Il pèse 14 kilos et adore se faire porter par Umino.

Kuma-chan (nounours) : nounours représentant le président en son absence.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New Shota Anime Slated for 2010

New Shota Anime Slated for 2010


Studio 37c, the studio behind the Boku no Pico set, is planning a new shota anime OVA slated for 2010.

The ero-anime, Shounen Maid Kuro-kun . is based on the original manga by Masaki Hiiragi. The premise of the manga is that Kuro-kun (or Curo-kun) incurs the debts of his father and must pay them off by being sold into servitude and becomes a boy maid. Begetting the genre, you can guess what happens as he provides a maid’s “services” and obeys his “master’s” orders. *blush*

There are mixed expectations for this upcoming shota anime. There are those who are looking forward to it with the same enthusiasm they had for Boku no Pico ; while others question whether or not it will be another “chicks with d*cks” shota special. Many complained that Pico and friends were too feminine to really enjoy the anime and they hope this title won’t follow suite.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Yaoihaven Reborn

Yaoihaven Reborn

Yaoihaven Reborn is a free yaoi. shota and furry site that takes comics and pictures from across the net and organizes them in an easy-to-use interface. One of the larger draws to it is the community aspect, where users can create their own profiles, make friends, send messages, and partake in forum discussions.


History [ edit ]

WetPaint [ edit ]

Yaoihaven Reborn started out as Yaoihaven on WetPaint. a free wiki host, back in 2009. Wolfy created the site due to his own experiences with difficulty finding high-quality yaoi and furry content online. In his own words: " I created this wiki because: I was sick and tired to trying to find yaoi online and having to do some stupid downloading or account creating, so I decided to create an ultimate-Yaoi site. Plus I was sick and tired of having to deal with 'wimpy' and 'censored' fangirl sites with nothing more but boys kissing. You know you'll get good high quality yaoi when the site creator is a fanBOY! :3 not to be gender bias or anything. I'm sure there are many yaoi sites out there ruled by fangirlsl which are better than mine. "

The site ran for just under 4 years before WetPaint shut the site down in January of 2013 [1]. along with many other adult-oriented wiki sites, due to violations of the WetPaint TOS [2]. There was a large outburst from fans of the site on the WetPaint forums shortly afterward, but WetPaint did not reverse their decision. There were no backups of the site made, but all the raw content was saved on Wolfy's hard drive [3].

Self-hosting [ edit ]

One of the site's doujinshi translators, Atoro. partnered up with Wolfy to recreate the site from the ground up on it's own server, instead of through a separate free host, to avoid future shutdowns [4]. After a couple months of work, the site was opened on March 20th, 2013 as Yaoihaven Reborn [5]. and was immediately overloaded with traffic, causing the site to go down [6]. This happened a few more times, even as the site was moved from cloud hosting to dedicated servers [7]. Finally, after moving to a decently powerful dedicated server, the site stayed up and ran well [8]. The site had to undergo another server transfer on June 21st, 2013, again due to heavy traffic overloading the server [9]. The site is currently hosted on a dedicated server owned by Atoro in Fremont, California.

Business [ edit ]

On May 20th, 2013, Yaoihaven Reborn established themselves as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) [10] in order to legally open an adult-goods store on the site to help fund the costs or operation. The store was open before, although money was flowed through PayPal, who shut down the account being used and froze the money made from sales. The store was reopened as The Yaoi Store, and takes credit cards directly thanks to a merchant account, as well as checks, money orders, and Bitcoin.

The company is owned wholly by Atoro, and is based out of California, USA, where Atoro lives. Wolfy still maintains a passive role in content and moderation, but is not officially vested in the company side. The company has no physical office, and maintains an online-only presence.

Content [ edit ]

The site contains thousands of doujinshi, tens of thousands of images, and miscellaneous other content, including erotic writings, role-play chatrooms, animations, games, and videos. Some of the content, including the What Would You Do If. section, is provided completely from fans who submit works to be posted. This lets the fans take an active role in the site, and allows some aspiring writers to have their work promoted.

The content from the site is accrued from other websites, and organized into categories, sections, subsections, and artists. There are several editors working to put content on the site; Omeganaught and Takcody work on the shota section, Axdi works on the Bara section, and Kaito Darksnow, and is currently the only staff member adding to the furry section.

The site's background image was commissioned by Tokifuji.

Translations [ edit ]

Several editors have done their own translations for doujinshi on the site, giving this site content that others don't have. Atoro has done several Tsukumo Gou translations, among others, and new translations are coming in regularly from fans and editors.

Site Staff [ edit ]

The site is ran by Atoro, the only admin on the site, with the help of several system administrators, editors, moderators, and fan volunteers. [11]

Site Administrators [ edit ]

Atoro is the owner and CEO, and is in charge of site direction. While in the early days of site redesign he would design and code himself, he has since brought more staff on to take over the design, programming, and server administration aspects. Running The Yaoi Store and some moderation on the forums and chat are his main areas of focus.

Wolfy is the original creator of the site, back when it was hosted on Wetpaint. He has left the site entirely in Atoro's control, and has not been an active part of design, development, or direction since late 2013. [11]

System Administrators [ edit ]

There are several staff who work almost exclusively on the hardware or coding side of Yaoihaven Reborn. They keep the site online, fast, and are always improving the code. The lead software engineer is Jadenn, who has been working on the site since early 2013, and is responsible for the custom interface and coding that goes into the site. [11]

The two system administrators, who work on the hardware and LNMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) side of the site, are SuigintouLain and Seanieb. Sue was the first sysadmin to come along, and was the one to save the site in the beginning of the self-hosting days why optimizing hardware and software. Seanieb volunteered to help with development and optimization in late 2013, and has been invaluable help since. [11]

Editors [ edit ]

The Lead Content Editor is CookieKittyUke, who has been a part of Yaoihaven Reborn since 2013. He helps find, sort, and upload content, as well as divvy up work to be done by the rest of the content staff. He funnels information between the admins and the rest of the editorial staff, helping to streamline updates and information dissemination. [11]

The other editors on the site are Takcody, who works on the shotacon section, Axdi, who works on the bara section, KaitoDarksnow, who works in the furry section, and a few general editors who don't specialize in any one genre, such as Sin, SkyShadow, and Omeganaut. Takcody has an affinity towards Vocaloid and Digimon, and has provided much of the content available in those sections. Axdi has been with the site for about as long as Takcody, and has always been the primary source of bara. [11]

Moderators [ edit ]

There are a few moderators for the site, who keep the peace among the forum users and the chatroom users. Moderators change often, but are always distinguishable by the flare next to their name.

Controversy [ edit ]

On April 15th, 2013, Yaoihaven Reborn received a DMCA Copyright notice from Piracy Pitbull on behalf of HardBlush. requesting removal of almost all HardBlush content from the site [12]. Prior to this incident, an agreement between Onta. the owner of HardBlush, and Wolfy, allowed HardBlush content to be on the site. When the site moved, Onta did not give the same approval, leading to the DMCA request.

On March 25th, 2014, the company behind Tomcat sent a DMCA request to take down all content created by them. Attempts were made to come to an agreement over providing a legitimate way for American audiences to legally acquire Tomcat content, as currently the content is only available to residents of Japan. No agreement has been made yet, and all Tomcat content has since been removed.

On August 1st, 2014, Aogami sent an informal request to have their content removed, as they felt it seemed confusing to viewers and unfair to commissioners with the Yaoihaven Reborn watermarks and unspecific copyright claim on the site. Since then, all Aogami content has been removed [13]. the watermarks have been removed from all images [14]. and the copyright information has been changed to specify that only the site software is copyright Yaoihaven Reborn.

Beginning late September, 2014, the staff of YHR have been working on a new version of the site which will give artists the ability to edit their own galleries, upload and remove content themselves, and attribute work as it should be. This will give major benefits to both artists and viewers, as artists can now have creative control over their work on the site, and viewers can expect more content from many new and existing artists, in a Deviant Art, Ink Bunny, or Fur Affinity kind of way. This is still in progress as the Gamma version. [15]

References [ edit ]


↑ Yaoihaven Wetpaint shutdown Yaoihaven Reborn posting about Wetpaint's shutdown. Retrieved 2013 January 17th. ↑ Update from Wetpaint Discussion on Wetpaint Central about multiple site shutdowns. Retrieved 2013 January 17th. ↑ Content retention Yaoihaven Twitter post about having the content backed up. Retrieved 2013 January 20th. ↑ Beginning work on Yaoihaven Reborn Post mentioning progress on the new website. Retrieved 2013 January 23rd. ↑ Countdown to launch started Facebook post linking to the countdown for the site launch. Retrieved 2013 March 20th. ↑ Site overloaded and down Facebook post about GoDaddy's cloud hosting failing under load. Retrieved 2013 March 21st. ↑ Server still breaking Facebook post about first dedicated server failing under load. Retrieved 2013 March 27th. ↑ Back up and running Facebook post about the site working for a change. Retrieved 2013 April 2nd. ↑ Looking into new servers Facebook post mentioning upcoming server migration. Retrieved 2013 May 26th. ↑ Friday Update on Yaoihaven Reborn Update with information on LLC in Miscellaneous section near bottom of post. Retrieved 2013 June 14th. ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 YHR Staff Yaoihaven Reborn staff page. Retrieved 2014 October 21st. ↑ Piracy Pitbull/HardBlush DMCA takedown Copy of email from Piracy Pitbull on behalf of HardBlush to remove content. Retrieved 2013 June 23rd. ↑ Notice that page was removed due to request by artist. ↑ Twitter status mentioning removal of all watermarks. ↑ Blog post from Atoro mentioning upcoming features.

External Link [ edit ]

Best Guys - Hot House maskurbate

Popular Yaoi Posts